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Created August 28, 2015 17:04
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// libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %%% "scalatest" % "3.0.0-M7" % Test
import scala.scalajs.js.Date
import org.scalajs.dom
import dom.setTimeout
import org.scalatest._
import scala.concurrent.Promise
import scala.concurrent.duration._
case class Delayer[T](
val callback: ( T => Unit ),
val delay: scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
var timer: Int = 0
def execute( arg: T ): Unit = {
dom.clearTimeout( timer )
timer = dom.setTimeout(
() => {
callback( arg )
class DelayerSpec extends AsyncFunSuite{
def executionContext =
case class DelayedExecution(
callId: Int,
callTime: Date,
executionTime: Date
var executionList: List[ DelayedExecution ] = List.empty
def executionCallback( callParams: (Int, Date) ): Unit =
executionList = DelayedExecution( callParams._1, callParams._2, new Date ) :: executionList
test( "No skipping if properly displaced" ){
executionList = List.empty
val delayTime = 100.millis
val delayer = new Delayer( executionCallback _, delayTime )
delayer.execute( (1, new Date ) )
setTimeout( () => delayer.execute( (2, new Date ) ), delayTime.toMillis )
setTimeout( () => delayer.execute( (3, new Date ) ), delayTime.toMillis * 2.2 )
//Mark the test as complete
val testCompletePromise = Promise[ Boolean ]()
() => testCompletePromise.success( true ),
delayTime.toMillis * 3.3
testCompletePromise.future map{
_x => {
assert( executionList.size == 3 )
assert( _.callId ).sum == 6 )
e => {
val diff = (e.executionTime.valueOf() - e.callTime.valueOf()).toLong
if(diff >= delayTime.toMillis) 1 else 0
).sum == 3 )
test( "skip if in quick succession" ){
executionList = List.empty
val delayTime = 400.millis
val delayer = new Delayer( executionCallback _, delayTime )
delayer.execute( ( 10, new Date ) )
setTimeout( () => delayer.execute( (20, new Date ) ), delayTime.toMillis / 4 )
//gets in because #40 is (1+h) delayTime units after this (#30)
setTimeout( () => delayer.execute( (30, new Date ) ), delayTime.toMillis / 2 )
//gets in because there is no next.
setTimeout( () => delayer.execute( (40, new Date ) ), delayTime.toMillis * 1.525 )
val testCompletePromise = Promise[ Boolean ]()
() => testCompletePromise.success( true ),
delayTime.toMillis * 2.55 //(1+h) delayTime after #40
testCompletePromise.future map{
_x => {
assert( executionList.size == 2 )
assert( _.callId ).sum == 70 )
e => {
val diff = (e.executionTime.valueOf() - e.callTime.valueOf()).toLong
if(diff >= delayTime.toMillis) 1 else 0
).sum == 2 )
override def newInstance: Suite with OneInstancePerTest = new DelayerSpec
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