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Teamviewer 15 ID Changer for macOS (Python 3)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# System: macOS 12+
# Version: TeamViewer v15.x.x
# Python: 3.x.x
# Command: sudo python
import os
import platform
import random
import re
import string
import sys
TeamViewer 15 ID Changer for MAC OS
Version: 7 2022
if platform.system() != "Darwin":
print("This script can be run only on MAC OS.")
if os.geteuid() != 0:
print("This script must be run form root.")
if "SUDO_USER" in os.environ:
USERNAME = os.environ["SUDO_USER"]
if USERNAME == "root":
print("Can not find user name. Run this script via sudo from regular user")
print("Can not find user name. Run this script via sudo from regular user")
HOMEDIRLIB = "/Users/" + USERNAME + "/library/preferences/"
GLOBALLIB = "/library/preferences/"
# Find config files
def listdir_fullpath(d):
return [os.path.join(d, f) for f in os.listdir(d)]
for file in listdir_fullpath(HOMEDIRLIB):
if "teamviewer" in file.lower():
for file in listdir_fullpath(GLOBALLIB):
if "teamviewer" in file.lower():
if not CONFIGS:
No TeamViewer configs found.
Maybe you have deleted it manually or never run TeamViewer after installation.
Nothing to delete.
# Delete config files
print("Configs found:\n")
for file in CONFIGS:
These files will be DELETED permanently.
All TeamViewer settings will be lost
input("Press Enter to continue or CTR+C to abort...")
for file in CONFIGS:
except OSError:
print("Cannot delete config files. Permission denied?")
# Find binaries
for file in TMBINARIES:
if os.path.exists(file):
print("File not found: " + file)
print("Install TeamViewer correctly")
# Patch files
def idpatch(fpath, platf, serial):
file = open(fpath, "r+b")
binary =
PlatformPattern = "IOPlatformExpert.{6}"
SerialPattern = "IOPlatformSerialNumber%s%s%s"
binary = re.sub(str.encode(PlatformPattern), str.encode(platf), binary)
binary = re.sub(
str.encode(SerialPattern % (chr(0), "[0-9a-zA-Z]{8,8}", chr(0))),
str.encode(SerialPattern % (chr(0), serial, chr(0))),
file = open(fpath, "wb").write(binary)
return True
def random_generator(
size=8, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits
return "".join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))
RANDOMSERIAL = random_generator(8)
RANDOMPLATFORM = "IOPlatformExpert" + random_generator(6)
for file in TMBINARIES:
except Exception as e:
print("Error: can not patch file " + file)
print("PlatformDevice: " + RANDOMPLATFORM)
print("PlatformSerial: " + RANDOMSERIAL)
os.system("sudo codesign -f -s - /Applications/")
ID changed sucessfully.
!!! Restart computer before using TeamViewer !!!!
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idarek commented Jun 4, 2023

Save the above script into file

run the following command

sudo python3

follow instructions.

Re-run Team Viewer (no restart required)

When you running this script TeamViewer needs to be turned off and make sure is not active in the background.

Just tested on version 15.40.9 and is working as expected.

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idarek commented Jun 4, 2023

Getting following error even after reinstall latest version of Team Viewer and before

Press Enter to continue or CTR+C to abort... Done. File not found: /Applications/ Install TeamViewer correctly

Whats yous latest version?

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Thanks its worked.
Is there any way where we can use teamviewer without login ?

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idarek commented Jun 5, 2023

Thanks its worked.
Is there any way where we can use teamviewer without login ?

They change it recently to have more control so I doubt that’s possible.

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puwooo commented Jul 6, 2023

This files will be DELETED permanently.
All TeamViewer settings will be lost

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/zhubaiyue/Downloads/b1d72f3465c46e7b58a4ea42d625c3e8-77efcbb0af4b3cc9bb234c488dc8ae42e90aa7e6/", line 69, in
raw_input("Press Enter to continue or CTR+C to abort...")
NameError: name 'raw_input' is not defined

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idarek commented Jul 6, 2023

This files will be DELETED permanently. All TeamViewer settings will be lost

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/zhubaiyue/Downloads/b1d72f3465c46e7b58a4ea42d625c3e8-77efcbb0af4b3cc9bb234c488dc8ae42e90aa7e6/", line 69, in raw_input("Press Enter to continue or CTR+C to abort...") ^^^^^^^^^ NameError: name 'raw_input' is not defined

How you executing your command?


sudo python3

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neenus commented Dec 21, 2023

I keep getting this error

Error: can not patch file /Applications/

I'm on the most recent version of TeamViewer 15.49.2 is that why?

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On your Mac, go to the system settings > Privacy & security> App Management and allow your terminal /iTem to change other apps.

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neenus commented Dec 21, 2023

On your Mac, go to the system settings > Privacy & security> App Management and allow your terminal /iTem to change other apps.

Thanks for your reply ... Did that and I also gave full disk permission as mentioned in the comments above and now I'm getting the same error but with another message saying There is no TemViewer configs found. here is a screenshot

Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 17 17 50

This is a fresh install of TeamViewer and I did run it before 🤷🏻‍♂️

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You have to reinstall TeamViewer and open it to generate the config files again. Then make sure you close the app before you run the script.

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mzvast commented Mar 12, 2024

It works, thank u so much!

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It works, thank u so much!

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02 03

I have follow these instructions above. It shows success in the terminal but when restarting the computer, I opening Teamviewer again it does not work. Can anyone explain it to me?

I use Teamviewer version 15.47.3 and macOS Catalina 10.15.

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02 03
I have follow these instructions above. It shows success in the terminal but when restarting the computer, I opening Teamviewer again it does not work. Can anyone explain it to me?

I use Teamviewer version 15.47.3 and macOS Catalina 10.15.

try sudo codesign -f -s - /Applications/

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