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Dapper constructor source generator
global using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
global using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Srcgen;
/// <summary>
/// Author: Saahil Claypool
/// </summary>
public class DapperConstructorGenerator : IIncrementalGenerator
public const string AttributeNameSpace = "Srcgen";
public const string AttributeName = "DapperConstructorAttribute";
public const string AttributeFullName = "Srcgen.DapperConstructorAttribute";
public void Initialize(IncrementalGeneratorInitializationContext context)
var generatorAttributes = context.SyntaxProvider.ForAttributeWithMetadataName(
(_, _) => true,
(syntaxContext, _) => syntaxContext
context.RegisterSourceOutput(generatorAttributes, (sourceProductionContext, tuple) =>
var (generatorActivationContext, compilation) = tuple;
if (generatorActivationContext.TargetSymbol is not INamedTypeSymbol symbol)
var constructor = symbol.Constructors.First();
var parameters = constructor.Parameters.Select(p => (Type: $"{p.Type.ContainingNamespace}.{p.Type.Name}", p.Name));
var defaultsString = string.Join(", ", parameters.Select(p => "default!"));
var source = $$"""
namespace {{symbol.ContainingNamespace}}
public partial record {{symbol.Name}}
private {{symbol.Name}}() : this({{defaultsString}}) { }
// Avoid duplicate names
context.RegisterPostInitializationOutput(callback: ctx =>
namespace {{AttributeNameSpace}}
/// <summary>
/// generate a constructor with all parameters set to default
/// this is only to be used by dapper or other serializers that require
/// a no parameter constructor.
/// </summary>
[System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Class, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = false)]
sealed class {{AttributeName}} : System.Attribute
public {{AttributeName}}() { }
public partial record TestMe(string A, string B)
public int C { get; set; }
/* generated
namespace Tasks
public partial record TestResult
private TestResult() : this(default!, default!) { }
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers">
<IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp" />
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x0rld commented Jun 11, 2023

I tried to use it but I have the error "DapperConstructor" and "DapperConstructorAttribute" doesn't exist
I tried with only your generator + sample to test

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