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Last active June 7, 2016 13:47
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  • Save SalvaJ/9722045 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SalvaJ/9722045 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Example making HTTP request to use Google API without api-client.It works in Python3 (tested ok in 3.3.5)
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
"""This module is a sample of the OAuth2 authentication by Python3"""
__version__ = "0.1.0"
__author__ = "shin ("
__copyright__ = "(C) 2012 shin"
__email__ = "[email protected]"
__license__ = "Apache License 2.0"
__status__ = "Prototype"
import configparser
import hashlib
import json
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
import urllib.error
class OAuth2:
"""This class helps the OAuth2 authentication.
The configure file whose format is ini(cfg) is needed.
Some fields are required in the file.
- authz_endpoint
- token_endpoint
- client_id
- client_secret
- redirect_uri
- scope
Below is a sample.
authz_endpoint =
token_endpoint =
client_id = [Your Client ID]
client_secret = [Your Client Secret]
redirect_uri = urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
scope =
AUTHZ_ENDPOINT = "authz_endpoint"
TOKEN_ENDPOINT = "token_endpoint"
CLIENT_ID = "client_id"
CLIENT_SECRET = "client_secret"
REDIRECT_URI = "redirect_uri"
SCOPE = "scope"
ACCESS_TOKEN = "access_token"
REFRESH_TOKEN = "refresh_token"
def __init__(self, configFile="oauth2.ini", additionalSection=None):
"""This is a constructor.
configFile -- The config file path
additionalSection -- If you use an extra section, you can set the name.
self.configFile = configFile
self.additionalSection = additionalSection
self.__initConfiguration() # init self.conf, self.orgConf
self.__initCacheSection() # init self.cacheSection
self.accessToken = None
self.refreshToken = None
def __initConfiguration(self):
"""Load the config file and set to `self.conf`"""
conf = configparser.ConfigParser()
with open(self.configFile, "r") as f:
self.orgConf = conf
# check additionalSection
adSection = self.additionalSection
if adSection in conf:
adSection = conf[adSection]
self.conf = {}
for i in [self.CLIENT_ID, self.CLIENT_SECRET, self.AUTHZ_ENDPOINT,
if adSection != None and i in adSection:
self.conf[i] = adSection[i]
self.conf[i] = conf["DEFAULT"][i]
def __initCacheSection(self):
"""Get the hash value for the cache section from authz endpoint and client id"""
m = hashlib.md5()
for i in [self.AUTHZ_ENDPOINT, self.CLIENT_ID]:
m.update(bytes(self.conf[i], "utf-8"))
self.cacheSection = str(m.hexdigest())
def __loadCacheTokens(self):
"""Load the tokens from the cache section"""
with open(self.configFile, "r") as f:
if not self.cacheSection in self.orgConf:
t = self.orgConf[self.cacheSection]
if self.ACCESS_TOKEN in t:
self.accessToken = t[self.ACCESS_TOKEN]
if self.REFRESH_TOKEN in t:
self.refreshToken = t[self.REFRESH_TOKEN]
def __saveCacheTokens(self):
"""Save the tokens to the cache section"""
self.orgConf[self.cacheSection] = {
self.ACCESS_TOKEN: self.accessToken,
self.REFRESH_TOKEN: self.refreshToken
with open(self.configFile, "w") as f:
def getUrlForAuthCode(self):
"""Get the URL for getting an authorized code.
This URL is accessed with a web browser.
Return: URL
params = {"response_type": "code"}
for i in [self.CLIENT_ID, self.REDIRECT_URI, self.SCOPE]:
params[i] = self.conf[i]
url = "{0}?{1}".format(
self.conf[self.AUTHZ_ENDPOINT], urllib.parse.urlencode(params))
return url
def getAccessToken(self, code=None):
"""Get access token.
code -- The authorized code that is got by accessing the URL returned
from `self.getUrlForAuthCode`. If this is `None`, the current access
token is returned.
Return: access token
if code != None:
# get access token and request token from the `code`
params = {"code": code, "grant_type": "authorization_code"}
for i in [self.CLIENT_ID, self.CLIENT_SECRET, self.REDIRECT_URI]:
params[i] = self.conf[i]
data = urllib.parse.urlencode(params).encode("utf-8")
request = urllib.request.Request(self.conf[self.TOKEN_ENDPOINT])
request.add_header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8")
f = urllib.request.urlopen(request, data)
root = json.loads("utf-8"))
self.accessToken = root[self.ACCESS_TOKEN]
self.refreshToken = root[self.REFRESH_TOKEN]
return self.accessToken
def refreshAccessToken(self):
"""Refresh current access token with refresh token
Return: access token
params = {"grant_type": "refresh_token",
"refresh_token": self.refreshToken}
for i in [self.CLIENT_ID, self.CLIENT_SECRET]:
params[i] = self.conf[i]
data = urllib.parse.urlencode(params).encode("utf-8")
request = urllib.request.Request(self.conf[self.TOKEN_ENDPOINT])
request.add_header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8")
f = urllib.request.urlopen(request, data)
root = json.loads("utf-8"))
self.accessToken = root[self.ACCESS_TOKEN]
return self.accessToken
def __main():
"""You can run this test method after preparing the following ini file.
authz_endpoint =
token_endpoint =
client_id = [Your Client ID]
client_secret = [Your Client Secret]
redirect_uri = urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
scope =
The client id and client secret can be got from "Google APIs Console".
Google APIs Console:
#Makes HTTP request to Google Drive API 'copy' method
def copyFile(token, target_name):
print("Access Token: " + token)
url_destino = "" \
"?key=(YOUR_API_KEY provided by Google API Console)"
values = "{'title': '%s'}" % target_name
data = values.encode('utf-8')
request = urllib.request.Request(url_destino, data, method='POST')
request.add_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + token)
request.add_header("Content-Length", len(data))
request.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
f = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
#Makes HTTP request to Google Drive API 'list' files method
def listFiles(token):
print("Access Token: " + token)
url_destino = " provided by Google API Console)"
request = urllib.request.Request(url_destino)
request.add_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + token)
f = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
oauth2 = OAuth2()
token = oauth2.getAccessToken()
if token == None:
print("Input the following URL into your browser and access it!")
code = input("Paste the code ---> ")
token = oauth2.getAccessToken(code)
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 401:
token = oauth2.refreshAccessToken()
copyFile(token, 'HiperAgenda_Copiada_3')
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 401:
token = oauth2.refreshAccessToken()
copyFile(token, 'HiperAgenda_Copiada')
if __name__ == "__main__":
Copy link

neep8 commented Jun 15, 2014

Hi this is some really nice stuff, hopefully i can use it to upload 'security' footage from my raspberry pi. I can log in with a token so far. Using python3.2 on the pi i had to amend line 191 to:

request = urllib.request.Request(url_destino, data)

Probably just a pi library difference:

File "", line 191, in copyFile
request = urllib.request.Request(url_destino, data, method='POST')
TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'method'

PS use of an ini file is truly inspiring!!

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