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Created November 23, 2017 10:14
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  • Save Sam-Martin/912a2a9a141bb48b0f01657265d6412d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Sam-Martin/912a2a9a141bb48b0f01657265d6412d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ElasticSearchURL = 'https://<elasticsearchurl>:<port>'
$indices = (iwr "$ElasticSearchURL/_cat/indices?format=json&pretty").content | ConvertFrom-Json
$indices.Index | ?{$_ -match '\d{4}\.\d\d\.\d\d$'} | sort
$IndicesWithDate = $indices | ?{$_.index -like '*beat-*'} | select index,@{L="Date";E={get-date ($_.index -split '-')[1]}}
$indicesToDelete = $IndicesWithDate | ?{$ -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)}
foreach($index in $indicesToDelete){
iwr "$ElasticSearchURL/$($index.index)" -Method delete
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