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Last active September 14, 2017 13:49
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  • Save Sam-Martin/a532770f3b206d0585f6220c1dfcef74 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Sam-Martin/a532770f3b206d0585f6220c1dfcef74 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Copy All snapshot for the last 24hrs to another region
$Env:SourceRegion = "eu-central-1"
$ENV:DestinationRegion = "eu-west-1"
$SourceSnapshots = Get-EC2Snapshot -region $Env:SourceRegion -OwnerId $Env:AWSAccountID
$SourceFiltered = $SourceSnapshots | ?{$_.starttime -gt (get-date).AddDays(-1*$env:AgeOfSnapshotsDays)}
Write-Verbose "Found $($SourceFiltered.count) snapshots to copy from $Env:SourceRegion to $Env:DestinationRegion"
$DestinationSnapshots = Get-EC2Snapshot -Region $Env:DestinationRegion -OwnerId $Env:AWSAccountID
foreach($snapshot in $SourceFiltered){
if($DestinationSnapshots | ?{$_.description -like "*$($snapshot.snapshotid)*"}){
Write-Verbose "$($snapshot.SnapshotId) already copied to $Env:DestinationRegion"
$Description = "[Copied $($snapshot.SnapshotId) from $Env:SourceRegion] $($snapshot.Description)"
$NewSnapshotID = Copy-EC2Snapshot -SourceSnapshotId $snapshot.SnapshotId -DestinationRegion $Env:DestinationRegion -Description $Description -SourceRegion $Env:SourceRegion -Region $Env:SourceRegion
$OriginalTags = Get-EC2Snapshot $snapshot.SnapshotId -Region $Env:SourceRegion
New-EC2Tag -Resource $NewSnapshotID -Region $ENV:DestinationRegion -Tag $OriginalTags.Tag
Write-Verbose "Created snapshot $NewsnapshotId"
Write-Verbose $_.exception.message
Start-Sleep -s 20
start-sleep -s 5
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