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Last active March 5, 2018 15:09
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  • Save Sam-Martin/f99db754b8e72272019c2f0e967373d4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Zabbix Grafana Alerts
"annotations": {
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"rawSql": "\nSELECT Host, REPLACE(Description,'{HOST.NAME}',host) as Description, Time, Priority FROM (SELECT DISTINCT host as Host, t.description as Description, t.lastchange * 1000 as Time, t.priority, t.triggerid,\n (SELECT acknowledged FROM events WHERE objectid = t.triggerid ORDER BY clock DESC LIMIT 0,1) as acknowledged \n FROM triggers t \n INNER JOIN functions f ON ( f.triggerid = t.triggerid ) \n INNER JOIN items i ON ( i.itemid = f.itemid ) \n INNER JOIN hosts ON ( i.hostid = hosts.hostid ) \n WHERE \n (t.value=1 OR (t.value =0 AND unix_timestamp(now()) - t.lastchange <60)) \n AND hosts.status =0 \n AND i.status =0 \n AND t.status =0 \n AND t.priority >= 3\n GROUP BY f.triggerid\n ORDER BY t.priority\n ) as q WHERE acknowledged = 0;",
"refId": "A",
"triggers": {
"acknowledged": 2,
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"title": "Alerts",
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"title": "Zabbix Problems",
"uid": "Ygssdk6zz",
"version": 10
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