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Created May 10, 2019 10:02
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import boto3
from sys import argv
def get_name(aws_obj):
names = list(tag['Value'] for tag in aws_obj['Tags'] if tag['Key'] == 'Name')
if len(names) != 1:
# print('No name for object: {}'.format(aws_obj))
return '--unknown--'
return names[0]
def get_filter(key, val):
return {'Filters': [{'Name':key, 'Values':[val]}]}
def get_vpc_resource(call, v_id, resouce_key):
return call(**get_filter('vpc-id', v_id))[resouce_key]
def parse_subnet(s):
return {'subnet_id': s['SubnetId'], 'cidr': s['CidrBlock'], 'name': get_name(s)}
def parse_route(route):
if 'DestinationPrefixListId' in route:
return {'dst': route['DestinationPrefixListId'], 'state': route['State'],
'gateway_id': route['GatewayId'], 'type': 'gateway_svc'}
elif 'VpcPeeringConnectionId' in route:
return {'dst': route['DestinationCidrBlock'], 'state': route['State'],
'peer_id': route['VpcPeeringConnectionId'], 'type': 'vpc_peer'}
elif 'GatewayId' in route:
g_id = route['GatewayId']
g_type = 'gateway_' + g_id.split('-')[0]
return {'dst': route['DestinationCidrBlock'], 'state': route['State'],
'gateway_id':g_id, 'type': g_type}
elif 'NatGatewayId' in route:
return {'dst': route['DestinationCidrBlock'], 'state': route['State'],
'nat_id': route['NatGatewayId'], 'type': 'gateway_nat'}
elif 'NetworkInterfaceId' in route:
return {'dst': route['DestinationCidrBlock'], 'state': route['State'],
'eni_id': route['NetworkInterfaceId'], 'type': 'eni'}
raise Exception("unknown route type {}".format(r))
def enrich_peer(route, peer_cache, client):
p_id = route['peer_id']
if p_id not in peer_cache:
filter = get_filter('vpc-peering-connection-id', p_id)
peer = client.describe_vpc_peering_connections(**filter)['VpcPeeringConnections']
if len(peer) != 1:
# print("unknown peer: {}".format(p_id))
peer_cache[p_id] = {'name': 'unknown', 'peer_id': p_id}
peer = peer[0]
peer_cache[p_id] = {'name': get_name(peer),
'status': peer['Status']['Code'],
'peer_id': p_id,
'accepter_vpc_id': peer['AccepterVpcInfo']['VpcId'],
'accepter_cidr': peer['AccepterVpcInfo']['CidrBlock'],
'requester_vpc_id': peer['RequesterVpcInfo']['VpcId'],
'requester_cidr': peer['RequesterVpcInfo']['CidrBlock']}
route['peer_name'] = peer_cache[p_id]['name']
return route
def main():
client = boto3.client('ec2')
vpc_list = client.describe_vpcs()['Vpcs']
peers = {}
res = {'vpcs':[]}
for v in vpc_list:
name = get_name(v)
v_id = v['VpcId']
vpc = {'vpc_id': v_id, 'cidr': v['CidrBlock'], 'name': get_name(v), 'route_tables': [], 'subnets': []}
subnets = {s['SubnetId']:s for s in get_vpc_resource(client.describe_subnets, v_id, 'Subnets')}
route_tables = get_vpc_resource(client.describe_route_tables, v_id, 'RouteTables')
main_rtb = None
for orig_rtb in route_tables:
r_id = orig_rtb['RouteTableId']
rtb = {'rtb_id': r_id, 'name': get_name(orig_rtb), 'subnets': [], 'routes': []}
for assoc in orig_rtb['Associations']:
if assoc['Main']:
rtb['main'] = True
main_rtb = rtb
snet = subnets[assoc['SubnetId']]
snet['associated_rtb_id'] = r_id
for route in orig_rtb['Routes']:
r = parse_route(route)
if r['type'] == 'vpc_peer':
r = enrich_peer(r, peers, client)
if r['type'] == 'nat':
r['private'] = True
# Find all the subnets that have implicit route table associations
for s_id, details in subnets.items():
if 'associated_rtb_id' in details:
details['implicit_rtb'] = True
for p in peers.values():
if 'accepter_vpc_id' not in p:
p['accepter_vpc'] = list(v['name'] for v in res['vpcs'] if v['vpc_id'] == p['accepter_vpc_id'])[0]
p['requester_vpc'] = list(v['name'] for v in res['vpcs'] if v['vpc_id'] == p['requester_vpc_id'])[0]
res['peers'] = list(peers.values())
return res
if __name__ == '__main__':
res = main()
if len(argv) > 1 and argv[1] == '--json':
import json
for v in res['vpcs']:
print('{vpc_id} {cidr} {name}'.format(**v))
for rtb in v['route_tables']:
if 'main' in rtb:
print("\t{rtb_id} {name}".format(**rtb))
for s in rtb['subnets']:
print('\t{subnet_id} {cidr} {name}'.format(**s))
for r in rtb['routes']:
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