Hello again.
Today I am announcing a project I have been working on to help those on the Hunt for Satoshi's Treasure. Watching the first few teams of Hunters develop I saw the same discussions happening over and over again.
The first question on everyone's mind was how are we going to fairly distribute the prize money if we win? It seems like one of the most obvious ways would be to just distribute the prize equally between all 400 keys. The main problem with this approach is that many team members will likely contribute to the discovery of a single key. The other potential issue is that some keys are easier to find than others and you might want to weight them differently.
The next question I often heard discussed was what about people who contribute to the teams in ways that are not directly related to finding a specific key? There are so many different ways someone can contribute to a team. What if someone helps recruit an amazing hacker or the person who lives in that missing geographic region?