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Created October 17, 2013 11:18
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A Pen by Saminou yengue kizidi.
<canvas width="500" height="200" id="js-canvas"></canvas>
<div id="js-variable-changer-container" class="container"></div>
// The VariableChanger helps to quickly create a rangeslider to
// adjust variables of an object.
// This is a demo for my variableChanger-function. I am using it
// to adjust background-positions and player-speed in a game I am
// currently making.
// A simple object-constructor for the small box we are making.
function ExampleConstructor() {
this.x = 100;
this.y = 50;
this.w = 20;
this.h = 20;
this.color = "#abcdef";
// The variable-changer-function needs getter and setter functions
// for all variables you want to change via the rangeslider.
ExampleConstructor.prototype.getX = function() {
return this.x;
ExampleConstructor.prototype.setX = function(_sliderValue) {
this.x = _sliderValue;
ExampleConstructor.prototype.getH = function() {
return this.h;
ExampleConstructor.prototype.setH = function(_sliderValue) {
this.h = _sliderValue;
// This is the actual function.
// The arguments it takes are:
// * The object that contains the variable you want to change (in our case: exampleObject)
// * The setter-function (e.g. exampleObject.getX)
// * The getter-function (e.g. exampleObject.setX)
// * A string for the rangeslider-caption (e.g. "X-Position")
// * The minimum value
// * The maximum value
// * The step (e.g. 5 makes the slider change the value in steps of 5)
function makeVariableChanger(_object, _setterFunction, _getterFunction, _title, _min, _max, _step) {
//creating the HTML-elements for adding to the container
var _controlElementContainer = document.createElement("div");
var _controlElementHeadline = document.createElement("div");
var _controlElementCaption = document.createElement("label");
var _controlElementRangeSlider = document.createElement("input");
//get the current value of the variable
var _currentValue =;
//set the options for the rangeslider
_controlElementRangeSlider.type = "range";
_controlElementRangeSlider.min = _min;
_controlElementRangeSlider.max = _max;
_controlElementRangeSlider.step = 1;
_controlElementRangeSlider.value = _currentValue;
//set the headline and current-value-display
_controlElementHeadline.innerHTML = _title;
_controlElementCaption.innerHTML = _currentValue;
//append everything to the container
//this is the container all the sliders will be added to
var _controlElementParent = document.getElementById("js-variable-changer-container");
//append all elements
//start listening to changes of the slider
_controlElementRangeSlider.addEventListener("change", function() {
// set the slider's caption and the actual variable to the newly set rangeslider-value
_controlElementCaption.innerHTML = _controlElementRangeSlider.value;, parseInt(_controlElementRangeSlider.value));
// create canvas, context and an instance of our example-object
var canvas = document.getElementById('js-canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var exampleObject = new ExampleConstructor();
function canvasDrawLoop() {
ctx.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.fillStyle = exampleObject.color;
ctx.fillRect(exampleObject.x, exampleObject.y, exampleObject.w, exampleObject.h);
setTimeout(canvasDrawLoop, 30);
//on document-load, create the sliders for the X- and the height-value of our box and start the drawing-loop
window.onload = function() {
makeVariableChanger(exampleObject, exampleObject.setX, exampleObject.getX, "Box-X-Position", 0, 400, 5);
makeVariableChanger(exampleObject, exampleObject.setH, exampleObject.getH, "Box-Height", -100, 100, 1);
body {background:black; font-family:monospace}
canvas {background:white;}
.container {background:grey; width:480px; padding:10px;}
.container * {display:block; text-align:center; width:100%;}
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