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Last active May 31, 2016 07:22
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  • Save Samshal/06dd964a0984b06c550476fb75edca1c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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require "vendor/autoload.php";
$acl = new Samshal\Acl\Acl();
* Create the roles and add them to the registry
* Create the resources and add them to the registry
* Create the permissions and add them to the registry
* give ROLES the PERMISSION to utilise a RESOURCE
* use the `can` keyword to determine if a ROLE has PERMISSIONS to utilise a RESOURCE
* Another way to assign PERMISSIONS to ROLES
$acl->allow("doctor", "view", "patientMedicalHistory");
require "vendor/autoload.php";
$acl = new Samshal\Acl\Acl();
$roles = ["classTeacher", "subjectTeacher", "janitor", "principal"]; //All roles. you can get this from db or some persistent storage
$resox = ["score", "student", "staff", "payroll"]; //All resources. you can get this from db or some persistent storage
$perms = ["view", "edit", "delete", "create"]; //All permissions. you can get this from db or some persistent storage
* Loop through objects to add them to the registry
foreach ($roles as $role)
foreach ($resox as $resos)
foreach ($perms as $perm)
//define permissions on resources and assign them to roles
//store a serialized acl in session (you could use a db)
$_SESSION["acl"] = serialize($acl);
require "vendor/autoload.php";
//unserialize an acl
$acl = unserialize($_SESSION["acl"]);
//utilise the acl to view permissions LIKE A PRO
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