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Created October 23, 2017 21:28
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Download Twitch channel emotes
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# put all channels you want to download the emotes of
# into a text file called "channel_list.txt", separated
# by line breaks
# also download subscriber.json from
# and put it into a folder called "api" next to this script
# all emotes, sub/cheer badges, and cheermotes
# will be downloaded into Channels/<channel_name>/
# @SamusAranX 2017
import requests
import json
import sys
import os
from os.path import basename, dirname, join, abspath, exists
from twapiv5 import TwitchAPI
TWITCH_API_KEY = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
PATH_SUPFLDR = "Channels"
PATH_EMOTES = "Emotes"
PATH_CHEERMOTES = "Cheermotes"
PATH_BADGE_SUB = "SubBadges"
PATH_BADGE_CHEER = "CheerBadges"
def download(url, path):
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
os.makedirs(dirname(path), exist_ok=True)
with open(path, 'wb') as f:
return True
return False
def main():
# In a low-amount-of-RAM env, this is the only JSON file we can load into memory
# If we load anything else, Python runs out of memory
with open("api/subscriber.json", "r", encoding="utf8") as f:
tw_subscriber = json.load(f)
with open("channel_list.txt", "r", encoding="utf8") as ch_list:
channel_list = [ch.strip() for ch in ch_list.readlines()]
except FileNotFoundError as e:
raise e
all_channels_to_crawl = [tw_subscriber[ch_id] for ch_id in tw_subscriber if tw_subscriber[ch_id]["channel_name"] in channel_list]
for new_channel in all_channels_to_crawl:
channel_name = new_channel["channel_name"]
channel_id = new_channel["channel_id"]
print(f"New channel: {channel_name}! ({channel_id})")
def get_channel_path(c):
return f"{PATH_SUPFLDR}/{channel_name}/{c}/"
channel_emotes = new_channel["emotes"]
if channel_emotes:
fldr_emotes = get_channel_path("Emotes")
os.makedirs(fldr_emotes, exist_ok=True)
print("Downloading emotes…")
for ce in channel_emotes:
emote_id = ce["id"]
emote_code = ce["code"]
for scale in ["1.0", "2.0", "3.0"]:
emote_url = f"{emote_id}/{scale}"
emote_path = fldr_emotes + f"{emote_code}-{scale[:1]}.png"
if download(emote_url, emote_path):
print(f"{INDENT_CHAR}{emote_path} downloaded.")
print(f"{INDENT_CHAR}{emote_path} failed.")
print("No channel emotes.")
subscriber_badges = new_channel["subscriber_badges"]
if subscriber_badges:
fldr_badges_sub = get_channel_path("Sub Badges")
os.makedirs(fldr_badges_sub, exist_ok=True)
print("Downloading sub badges…")
for sb in subscriber_badges:
sub_badge = subscriber_badges[sb]
for scale in ["image_url_1x", "image_url_2x", "image_url_4x"]:
sb_url = sub_badge[scale]
sb_fname = fldr_badges_sub + f"{sb}_{scale[10:]}.png"
if download(sb_url, sb_fname):
print(f"{INDENT_CHAR}{sb_fname} downloaded.")
print(f"{INDENT_CHAR}{sb_fname} failed.")
print("No subscriber badges.")
cheer_badges = new_channel["bits_badges"]
if cheer_badges:
fldr_badges_cheer = get_channel_path("Cheer Badges")
os.makedirs(fldr_badges_cheer, exist_ok=True)
print(f"Downloading cheer badges…")
for bb in cheer_badges:
bit_badge = cheer_badges[bb]
for scale in ["image_url_1x", "image_url_2x", "image_url_4x"]:
bb_url = bit_badge[scale]
bb_fname = fldr_badges_cheer + f"{bb}_{scale[10:]}.png"
if download(bb_url, bb_fname):
print(f"{INDENT_CHAR}{bb_fname} downloaded.")
print(f"{INDENT_CHAR}{bb_fname} failed.")
print("No cheer badges.")
print("Fetching cheermotes from API…")
cheermotes = t.get_cheermotes(channel_id)
cheermotes = cheermotes["actions"]
cheermotes = [cm for cm in cheermotes if cm["type"] == "channel_custom"]
if len(cheermotes) > 0:
fldr_cheermotes = get_channel_path("Cheermotes")
cheermotes = cheermotes[0]
scales = cheermotes["scales"]
bgs = cheermotes["backgrounds"]
states = cheermotes["states"]
print("Downloading cheermotes…")
for tier in cheermotes["tiers"]:
tier_id = tier["id"]
# for bg in [bgs]: # ignore dark bg cheermotes
for bg in ["light"]:
# for state in states: # ignore static cheermotes
for state in ["animated"]:
for scale in scales:
os.makedirs(fldr_cheermotes, exist_ok=True)
cm_url = tier["images"][bg][state][scale]
cm_fname = join(fldr_cheermotes, f"{tier_id}-{scale}.gif")
if download(cm_url, cm_fname):
print(f"{INDENT_CHAR}{cm_fname} downloaded.")
print(f"{INDENT_CHAR}{cm_fname} failed.")
print("No cheermotes.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# smol api wrapper I wrote to download channels' cheermotes
# @SamusAranX 2017
import os
import sys
import json
import requests
from urllib.parse import urljoin, parse_qs, urlsplit, urlunsplit, urlencode
class TwitchAPIError(Exception):
def __init__(self, error_json):
self.message = error_json["message"]
self.status = error_json["status"]
self.error = error_json["error"]
class TwitchAPI:
_ROOT_URL = ""
_ACCEPT = "application/vnd.twitchtv.v5+json"
def __init__(self, client_id):
self.session = requests.Session()
self.session.headers.update({"Accept": self._ACCEPT})
self.session.headers.update({"Client-ID": client_id})
def _get(self, endpoint, **params):
scheme, netloc, path, query_string, fragment = urlsplit(endpoint)
query_params = parse_qs(query_string)
for p in { k:v for k,v in params.items() if v is not None }:
# print(p, params[p])
query_params[p] = params[p]
new_query_string = urlencode(query_params, doseq=True)
endpoint = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, new_query_string, fragment))
# print(endpoint)
r = self.session.get(endpoint)
response = r.json()
except Exception as e:
raise e
if "error" in response:
raise TwitchAPIError(response)
return response
def get_cheermotes(self, channel_id = None):
endpoint = urljoin(self._ROOT_URL, "bits/actions", allow_fragments=False)
return self._get(endpoint, channel_id = channel_id)
def get_chat_badges_by_channel(self, channel_id):
endpoint = urljoin(self._ROOT_URL, f"chat/{channel_id}/badges", allow_fragments=False)
return self._get(endpoint)
def get_chat_emoticons_by_set(self, emotesets = None):
endpoint = urljoin(self._ROOT_URL, "chat/emoticon_images", allow_fragments=False)
return self._get(endpoint, emotesets = emotesets)
def get_all_chat_emoticons(self):
endpoint = urljoin(self._ROOT_URL, "chat/emoticons", allow_fragments=False)
return self._get(endpoint)
def get_user_by_id(self, user_id):
endpoint = urljoin(self._ROOT_URL, f"users/{user_id}", allow_fragments=False)
return self._get(endpoint)
def get_users(self, user_ids):
endpoint = urljoin(self._ROOT_URL, "users", allow_fragments=False)
return self._get(endpoint, login = ",".join(user_ids))
def get_user_emotes(self, user_id):
endpoint = urljoin(self._ROOT_URL, f"users/{user_id}/emotes", allow_fragments=False)
return self._get(endpoint)
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