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Created March 26, 2016 21:13
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Save SamyBencherif/2635638d45bb9d521188 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Game Of Walls
<p>Use the arrow keys to move. Use WSAD to modify the world</p>
// Warn if overriding existing method
console.warn("Overriding existing Array.prototype.equals. Possible causes: New API defines the method, there's a framework conflict or you've got double inclusions in your code.");
// attach the .equals method to Array's prototype to call it on any array
Array.prototype.equals = function (array) {
// if the other array is a falsy value, return
if (!array)
return false;
// compare lengths - can save a lot of time
if (this.length != array.length)
return false;
for (var i = 0, l=this.length; i < l; i++) {
// Check if we have nested arrays
if (this[i] instanceof Array && array[i] instanceof Array) {
// recurse into the nested arrays
if (!this[i].equals(array[i]))
return false;
else if (this[i] != array[i]) {
// Warning - two different object instances will never be equal: {x:20} != {x:20}
return false;
return true;
// Hide method from for-in loops
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "equals", {enumerable: false});
console.warn("Overriding existing Array.prototype.contains. Possible causes: New API defines the method, there's a framework conflict or you've got double inclusions in your code.");
// attach the .contains method to Array's prototype to call it on any array
Array.prototype.contains = function (thing) {
// if the other array is a falsy value, return false
if (!this)
return false;
//start by assuming the array doesn't contain the thing
var result = false;
for (var i = 0, l=this.length; i < l; i++)
//if anything in the array is the thing then change our mind from before
if (this[i] instanceof Array)
{if (this[i].equals(thing))
result = true;}
if (this[i]===thing)
result = true;
//return the decision we left in the variable, result
return result;
// Hide method from for-in loops
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "contains", {enumerable: false});
// attach the .indexOf method to Array's prototype to call it on any array
Array.prototype.indexOf = function (thing)
// if the other array is a falsy value, return -1
if (!this)
return -1;
//start by assuming the array doesn't contain the thing
var result = -1;
for (var i = 0, l=this.length; i < l; i++)
//if anything in the array is the thing then change our mind from before
if (this[i] instanceof Array)
if (this[i].equals(thing))
result = i;
if (this[i]===thing)
result = i;
//return the decision we left in the variable, result
return result;
// Hide method from for-in loops
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "indexOf", {enumerable: false});
<!-- Thanks to SO user Tomáš Zato for js Array comparison
( -->
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- Thanks to Processing JS for their powerful drawing module ( -->
<script src=""></script>
<!--Thanks to Joseph Myers for a fast js implementation of MD5 ( -->
//These settings are configurable
var ObstructionSeed = "Witty!"
var ObstructionPercentage = 40
var w = 500
var h = 500
var px = 0
var py = 0
var ox = 0
var oy = 0
var wallCount = 0
var invertedH = []
var invertedV = []
var OnewayCount = 0
var invertedHW = []
var invertedVW = []
function setup() {
createCanvas(w, h)
/* position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;*/
function keyPressed() {
//y forward
//x back
//Invertable Wall Colliders
//var leftWall = poll(w/2-15-30*px, h/2+15-30*py, ObstructionSeed, ObstructionPercentage) != invertedV.contains([w/2-15-30*px, h/2+15-30*py])
//var rightWall = poll(w/2+15-30*px, h/2+15-30*py, ObstructionSeed, ObstructionPercentage) != invertedV.contains([w/2+15-30*px, h/2+15-30*py])
//var bottomWall = poll(h/2+15-30*py, w/2-15-30*px, ObstructionSeed, ObstructionPercentage) != invertedH.contains([h/2+15-30*py, w/2-15-30*px])
//var topWall = poll(h/2-15-30*py, w/2-15-30*px, ObstructionSeed, ObstructionPercentage) != invertedH.contains([h/2-15-30*py, w/2-15-30*px])
//One Way Wall Colliders
//leftWall = leftWall || (poll(w/2-15-30*px, h/2+15-30*py, ObstructionSeed+"w", ObstructionPercentage/4) && poll(w/2-15-30*px, h/2+15-30*py,ObstructionSeed+"wd",50))
//add respective polls arguments to direction poll
//rightWall = rightWall || (poll(w/2+15-30*px, h/2+15-30*py, ObstructionSeed+"w", ObstructionPercentage/4) && !poll(w/2+15-30*px, h/2+15-30*py,ObstructionSeed+"wd",50))
//bottomWall = bottomWall || (poll(h/2+15-30*py, w/2-15-30*px, ObstructionSeed+"w", ObstructionPercentage/4) && !poll(h/2+15-30*py, w/2-15-30*px,ObstructionSeed+"wd",50))
//topWall = topWall || (poll(h/2-15-30*py, w/2-15-30*px, ObstructionSeed+"w", ObstructionPercentage/4) && poll(h/2-15-30*py, w/2-15-30*px,ObstructionSeed+"wd",50))
//Added arrow key support for Sydney
var moveUp = keyCode == 38 //|| key=="W"
var moveLeft = keyCode == 37 //|| key=="S"
var moveDown = keyCode == 40 //|| key=="A"
var moveRight = keyCode == 39 //|| key=="D"
var invertUp = key == "W"
var invertDown = key == "S"
var invertLeft = key == "A"
var invertRight = key == "D"
var IC = []
var HAxis = false;
if (invertUp)
IC = [h / 2 - 15 - 30 * py, w / 2 - 15 - 30 * px]
if (invertDown)
IC = [h / 2 + 15 - 30 * py, w / 2 - 15 - 30 * px]
if (invertLeft)
IC = [w / 2 - 15 - 30 * px, h / 2 + 15 - 30 * py]
if (invertRight)
IC = [w / 2 + 15 - 30 * px, h / 2 + 15 - 30 * py]
HAxis = invertUp || invertDown
var Wall
var direction = true//(moveRight || moveDown) ? !poll(IC[0], IC[1], ObstructionSeed + "wd", 50) : poll(IC[0], IC[1], ObstructionSeed + "wd", 50)
if (HAxis) {
Wall = poll(IC[0], IC[1], ObstructionSeed, ObstructionPercentage) != invertedH.contains(IC)
var BWall = ((poll(IC[0], IC[1], ObstructionSeed + "w", ObstructionPercentage / 4) && direction) && !invertedH.contains(IC))
//Wall = Wall || BWall
if (!IC.equals([]) && (Wall || wallCount > 0)) {
if (invertedH.contains(IC))
invertedH.splice(invertedH.indexOf(IC), 1) //uninvert
else if (!(BWall && !Wall))
invertedH.push(IC) //invert
} else {
Wall = poll(IC[0], IC[1], ObstructionSeed, ObstructionPercentage) != invertedV.contains(IC)
var BWall = ((poll(IC[0], IC[1], ObstructionSeed + "w", ObstructionPercentage / 4) && direction) && !invertedV.contains(IC))
//Wall = Wall || BWall
if (!IC.equals([]) && (Wall || wallCount > 0)) {
if (invertedV.contains(IC))
invertedV.splice(invertedV.indexOf(IC), 1) //uninvert
else if (!(BWall && !Wall))
invertedV.push(IC) //invert
if (!IC.equals([])) {
if (Wall)
else if (wallCount && !(BWall && !Wall))
if (moveUp)
IC = [h / 2 - 15 - 30 * py, w / 2 - 15 - 30 * px]
else if (moveDown)
IC = [h / 2 + 15 - 30 * py, w / 2 - 15 - 30 * px]
else if (moveLeft)
IC = [w / 2 - 15 - 30 * px, h / 2 + 15 - 30 * py]
else if (moveRight)
IC = [w / 2 + 15 - 30 * px, h / 2 + 15 - 30 * py]
IC = []
direction = (moveRight || moveDown) ? !poll(IC[0], IC[1], ObstructionSeed + "wd", 50) : poll(IC[0], IC[1], ObstructionSeed + "wd", 50)
HAxis = moveUp || moveDown
var InvertD = moveDown || moveRight
if (!IC.equals([])) {
if (HAxis) {
Wall = poll(IC[0], IC[1], ObstructionSeed, ObstructionPercentage) != invertedH.contains(IC)
Wall = Wall || ((poll(IC[0], IC[1], ObstructionSeed + "w", ObstructionPercentage / 4) && direction) && !invertedH.contains(IC))
} else {
Wall = poll(IC[0], IC[1], ObstructionSeed, ObstructionPercentage) != invertedV.contains(IC)
Wall = Wall || ((poll(IC[0], IC[1], ObstructionSeed + "w", ObstructionPercentage / 4) && direction) && !invertedV.contains(IC))
//Wall = Wall || (poll(IC[0], IC[1], ObstructionSeed + "w", ObstructionPercentage / 4) && InvertD != poll(IC[0], IC[1], ObstructionSeed + "wd", 50))
} else {
Wall = false;
//console.log([(poll(IC[0], IC[1], ObstructionSeed + "w", ObstructionPercentage / 4), poll(IC[0], IC[1], ObstructionSeed + "wd", 50))])
if (invertUp && (topWall || wallCount>0))
if (invertedH.contains([h/2-15-30*py, w/2-15-30*px]))
invertedH.splice(invertedH.indexOf([h/2-15-30*py, w/2-15-30*px]),1) //uninvert
invertedH.push([h/2-15-30*py, w/2-15-30*px]) //invert
if (topWall)
if (invertDown && (bottomWall || wallCount>0))
if (invertedH.contains([h/2+15-30*py, w/2-15-30*px]))
invertedH.splice(invertedH.indexOf([h/2+15-30*py, w/2-15-30*px]),1)
invertedH.push([h/2+15-30*py, w/2-15-30*px])
if (bottomWall)
if (invertLeft && (leftWall || wallCount>0))
if (invertedV.contains([w/2-15-30*px, h/2+15-30*py]))
invertedV.splice(invertedV.indexOf([w/2-15-30*px, h/2+15-30*py]),1)
invertedV.push([w/2-15-30*px, h/2+15-30*py])
if (leftWall)
if (invertRight && (rightWall || wallCount>0))
if (invertedV.contains([w/2+15-30*px, h/2+15-30*py]))
invertedV.splice(invertedV.indexOf([w/2+15-30*px, h/2+15-30*py]),1)
invertedV.push([w/2+15-30*px, h/2+15-30*py])
if (rightWall)
if (moveUp && !Wall) {
py += 1
oy = -30
} else if (moveLeft && !Wall) {
px += 1
ox = -30
} else if (moveDown && !Wall) {
py -= 1
oy = 30
} else if (moveRight && !Wall) {
px -= 1
ox = 30
function poll(x, y, seed, percentage) {
if (seed == undefined) {
seed = "Witty!"
if (percentage == undefined) {
percentage = 40
return (~"0123456789abcdef".substring(0, 16 * percentage / 100).indexOf(md5(x + " " + y + " " + seed)[0])) != 0
function draw() {
background(107, 0, 110)
stroke(255, 255, 255)
ellipse(w / 2, h / 2, 10, 10)
for (var i=0; i<wallCount; i++)
for (var x = -(w % 30) - 15; x <= w; x += 30) {
for (var y = -(h % 30) - 15; y <= h; y += 30) {
//x -= px
//y -= py
var alpha = 255 - (abs(x - w / 2) + abs(y - h / 2))
stroke(255, 255, 255, alpha)
//Vertical Field
if (poll(x - 30 * px, y - 30 * py, ObstructionSeed, ObstructionPercentage) != invertedV.contains([x - 30 * px, y - 30 * py]))
line(x + ox, y + oy, x + ox, y - 27 + oy)
else if (poll(x - 30 * px, y - 30 * py, ObstructionSeed + "w", ObstructionPercentage / 4) && !invertedV.contains([x - 30 * px, y - 30 * py])) {
var d = -1 + 2 * poll(x - 30 * px, y - 30 * py, ObstructionSeed + "wd", 50)
stroke(0, 56, 204, alpha)
line(x + ox, y + oy, x + ox + 5 * d, y - 27 / 2 + oy)
line(x + ox + 5 * d, y - 27 / 2 + oy, x + ox, y - 27 + oy)
stroke(255, 255, 255, 255 - (abs(x - w / 2) + abs(y - h / 2)))
//Horizontal Field
if (poll(y - 30 * py, x - 30 * px, ObstructionSeed, ObstructionPercentage) != invertedH.contains([y - 30 * py, x - 30 * px]))
line(x + ox, y + oy, x + ox + 28, y + oy)
else if (poll(y - 30 * py, x - 30 * px, ObstructionSeed + "w", ObstructionPercentage / 4) && !invertedH.contains([y - 30 * py, x - 30 * px])) {
var d = -1 + 2 * poll(y - 30 * py, x - 30 * px, ObstructionSeed + "wd", 50)
stroke(0, 56, 204, alpha)
line(x + ox, y + oy, x + ox + 28 / 2, y + oy + 5 * d)
line(x + ox + 28 / 2, y + oy + 5 * d, x + ox + 28, y + oy)
if (oy != 0) {
if (oy > 0)
oy -= 6
if (oy < 0)
oy += 6
} else {
if (ox > 0)
ox -= 6
if (ox < 0)
ox += 6
// Allow inversion of blue walls in seperate inversion cache. Display inversion caches and have picker
body {
background-color: rgb(107,0,110);
p {
color: white;
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