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Created March 28, 2015 12:43
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Save SamyBencherif/7b6a32b74fb002dc7465 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
100% of this code was written and tested in the Pythonista iOS app
from scene import *
from random import random
import math
def intersect(a, b):
import math
if (a.w==0 and b.w==0):
return None
if (a.h/a.w == b.h/b.w):
return None
if a.w==0:
Fb = lambda x: (b.h/b.w)*x+(b.y-(b.x*b.h/b.w))
if (min(a.y, a.y+a.h) <= Fb(a.x)<= max(a.y, a.y + a.h)) and (min(b.x, b.x+b.w) <= a.x <= max(b.x, b.x + b.w)):
return (a.x, Fb(a.x))
return None
elif b.w==0:
Fa = lambda x: (a.h/a.w)*x+(a.y-(a.x*a.h/a.w))
if (b.y <= Fa(b.x) <= b.y + b.h) and (a.x <= b.x <= a.x + a.w):
return (b.x, Fa(b.x))
return None
Sa = a.h/a.w
Ma = a.y-a.x*a.h/a.w
Sb = b.h/b.w
Mb = b.y-b.x*b.h/b.w
Fb = lambda x: (b.h/b.w)*x+(b.y-(b.x*b.h/b.w))
Px = (Ma - Mb) / (Sb - Sa)
if (min(a.x,a.x+a.w) <= Px <= max(a.x, a.x + a.w)) and (min(b.x, b.x+b.w) <= Px <= max(b.x, b.x + b.w)):
return (Px, Fb(Px))
return None
def perp(b, intersection):
import math
length = (b.w**2+b.h**2)**.5
angle = math.atan2(b.h, b.w)
newvel = (length*math.cos(angle+math.pi/2), length*math.sin(angle+math.pi/2))
return vector(intersection[0], intersection[1], newvel[0], newvel[1])
def flip(v, axis):
import math
angleV = math.atan2(v[1], v[0])
angleX = math.atan2(axis.h, axis.w)
#if angleX>angleV:
angleD = angleX-angleV
angleN = angleX+angleD
#angleD = angleV-angleX
#angleN = angleX-angleD
length = (v[0]**2+v[1]**2)**.5
#angleN =0 #bw collide
return (math.cos(angleN)*length, math.sin(angleN)*length)
def generate_colliders(meshSpace):
collideSpace = []
for v in meshSpace:
angle = math.atan2(v.h, v.w)
#add scaling here, or maybe just in render?
p = perp(v, (v.x+v.w/2, v.y+v.h/2))
p = vector(p.x, p.y, 32*math.cos(math.atan2(p.h, p.w)), 32*math.sin(math.atan2(p.h, p.w)))
p = perp(p, (p.x+p.w/2, p.y+p.h/2))
#level1.collideSpace.append(vector(p.x, p.y, p.w/2, p.h/2))
p = vector(p.x, p.y, ((v.w**2+v.h**2)**.5+32)*math.cos(math.atan2(p.h, p.w))/2, ((v.w**2+v.h**2)**.5+32)*math.sin(math.atan2(p.h, p.w))/2)
collideSpace.append(vector(p.x, p.y, -p.w, -p.h))
#level1.collideSpace.append(vector(p.x-p.w, p.y-p.h, 10,10 ))
#level1.collideSpace.append(vector(p.x+p.w, p.y+p.h, 10,10 ))
#add scaling here, or maybe just in render?
d = perp(v, (v.x+v.w/2, v.y+v.h/2))
d = vector(d.x, d.y, -32*math.cos(math.atan2(d.h, d.w)), -32*math.sin(math.atan2(d.h, d.w)))
d = perp(d, (d.x+d.w/2, d.y+d.h/2))
#level1.collideSpace.append(vector(p.x, p.y, p.w/2, p.h/2))
d = vector(d.x, d.y, ((v.w**2+v.h**2)**.5+32)*math.cos(math.atan2(d.h, d.w))/2, ((v.w**2+v.h**2)**.5+32)*math.sin(math.atan2(d.h, d.w))/2)
collideSpace.append(vector(d.x, d.y, -d.w, -d.h))
collideSpace.append(vector(p.x-p.w, p.y-p.h, d.x-p.x,d.y-p.y ))
collideSpace.append(vector(p.x+p.w, p.y+p.h, d.x-p.x, d.y-p.y ))
return collideSpace
class vector(): #rectangle vector hybrid
x = 0
y = 0
w = 0
h = 0
def __init__(self,x,y,w,h):
self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h = x, y, w, h
class token():
transform = vector(0,0,0,0)
type = "" #"goal", "coin", "enemy"
class Text():
text = ""
font = "Helvetica"
size = 0
color = (0,0,0)
def __init__(self, text="", font="Helvetica", size=0, color=(0,0,0)):
self.text = text
self.font = font
self.size = size
self.color = color
class Menu(): #minimal version of Level
interface = "menu"
bg = (0,0,0)
guiSpace = [] #[]guiElement
def touch(self, mytouch, phase):
def draw(self):
for element in self.guiSpace:
#everything's in main draw right now
#might be good because UI system is universal
#TODO: done
class Level():
interface = "level"
bg = (0,0,0)
spawn = vector(32,32,0,0)
guiSpace = [] #[]guiElement
collideSpace = [] #[]vector
meshSpace = [] #[]vector
tokenSpace = [] #[]token
__update__ = None
def update(self, t):, self.guiSpace, self.collideSpace, self.meshSpace, self.tokenSpace = __update__(t)
#try as-is updating in draw
def draw(self):
for v in self.meshSpace:
line(v.x, v.y, v.x+v.w, v.y+v.h)
for v in self.collideSpace:
stroke(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)
line(v.x, v.y, v.x+v.w, v.y+v.h)
class level1(Level):
#level1 = Level()
bg = (0.05, 0.7, 0.3)
meshSpace = [vector(160,400,100,0),vector(160,400,0,100),vector(160,400,-100,0),vector(160,400,0,-100)]
spawn = vector(160,200,0,0)
def draw(self):
for v in self.meshSpace:
line(v.x, v.y, v.x+v.w, v.y+v.h)
newangle = math.atan2(v.h, v.w)+0.005
barlen = (v.h**2+v.w**2)**.5
newmesh.append(vector(v.x, v.y, barlen*math.cos(newangle), barlen*math.sin(newangle)))
self.meshSpace = newmesh
self.collideSpace = generate_colliders(self.meshSpace)
mainMenu = Menu()
#don't center text on rect x,y pos because I cannot do the same for the rectange's bounds. it get's render seperately and it's necessarily based on the classes x y values
#Rect(x=0, y=0, w=320.0, h=568.0)
mainMenu.guiSpace.append((Layer(Rect(160, 284, 0, 0)), Text("Fling", "AvenirNext-Regular", 72, (0,0.62,1))))
mainMenu.guiSpace.append((Layer(Rect(420, 316, 0, 0)), Text("Play", "AvenirNext-Regular", 72, (1,1,1))))
mainMenu.guiSpace.append((Layer(Rect(420, 242, 0, 0)), Text("Levels", "AvenirNext-Regular", 72, (1,1,1))))
#enable this code if you want to see touch boundries
#menu1.guiSpace[0][0].background = Color(0,1,0)
#menu1.guiSpace[1][0].background = Color(0,1,0)
#menu1.guiSpace[2][0].background = Color(0,1,0) = (1,1,1) = 0 = 'menu1'
#level1.collideSpace = level1.meshSpace
#collision generator, needs to be applied to any/every level
#4 days worth of code, turns out needs to be scrapped (*not quite*, the issue is that rectangular boundries are incorrect, points need to be equidistant from line (creating a rectangle with circles on it's ends))
level1.collideSpace = generate_colliders(level1.meshSpace)
for v in level1.meshSpace:
angle = math.atan2(v.h, v.w)
#add scaling here, or maybe just in render?
p = perp(v, (v.x+v.w/2, v.y+v.h/2))
p = vector(p.x, p.y, 32*math.cos(math.atan2(p.h, p.w)), 32*math.sin(math.atan2(p.h, p.w)))
p = perp(p, (p.x+p.w/2, p.y+p.h/2))
#level1.collideSpace.append(vector(p.x, p.y, p.w/2, p.h/2))
p = vector(p.x, p.y, ((v.w**2+v.h**2)**.5+32)*math.cos(math.atan2(p.h, p.w))/2, ((v.w**2+v.h**2)**.5+32)*math.sin(math.atan2(p.h, p.w))/2)
level1.collideSpace.append(vector(p.x, p.y, -p.w, -p.h))
#level1.collideSpace.append(vector(p.x-p.w, p.y-p.h, 10,10 ))
#level1.collideSpace.append(vector(p.x+p.w, p.y+p.h, 10,10 ))
#add scaling here, or maybe just in render?
d = perp(v, (v.x+v.w/2, v.y+v.h/2))
d = vector(d.x, d.y, -32*math.cos(math.atan2(d.h, d.w)), -32*math.sin(math.atan2(d.h, d.w)))
d = perp(d, (d.x+d.w/2, d.y+d.h/2))
#level1.collideSpace.append(vector(p.x, p.y, p.w/2, p.h/2))
d = vector(d.x, d.y, ((v.w**2+v.h**2)**.5+32)*math.cos(math.atan2(d.h, d.w))/2, ((v.w**2+v.h**2)**.5+32)*math.sin(math.atan2(d.h, d.w))/2)
level1.collideSpace.append(vector(d.x, d.y, -d.w, -d.h))
level1.collideSpace.append(vector(p.x-p.w, p.y-p.h, d.x-p.x,d.y-p.y ))
level1.collideSpace.append(vector(p.x+p.w, p.y+p.h, d.x-p.x, d.y-p.y ))
class Game (Scene):
#320, 568
def setup(self):
#print (self.bounds)
self.Interface = mainMenu
self.position =
#self.Interface.guiSpace[0][0].frame.x -= self.Interface.guiSpace[0][0].frame.w/2
#self.Interface.guiSpace[0][0].frame.y = self.Interface.guiSpace[0][0].frame.h/2
#me = self.Interface.guiSpace[1][0]
#me.animate('frame', Rect(160-me.frame.w/2,316-me.frame.h/2, self.Interface.guiSpace[1][0].frame.w, self.Interface.guiSpace[1][0].frame.h), 1)
#me = self.Interface.guiSpace[2][0]
#me.animate('frame', Rect(160-me.frame.w/2,242-me.frame.h/2, 0,0), 1)
#this likely should be moved
if self.Interface.interface == "game":
self.position = self.Interface.spawn
self.dragvector = (0,0)
self.velocity = (0,0)
self.root_layer = Layer(self.bounds)
#self.bganim =
self.root_layer.animate('background', Color(1,1,1), 0)
self.drag = 0.99
for element in self.Interface.guiSpace:
#element[0].frame.x -= element[0].frame.w/2
#element[0].frame.y -= element[0].frame.h/2
#add scaling here (or somewhere)
for i in range(len(self.Interface.guiSpace)):
element = self.Interface.guiSpace[i]
tint(element[1].color[0], element[1].color[1], element[1].color[2])
titleText = render_text(element[1].text, element[1].font, element[1].size)
image(titleText[0], element[0].frame.x, element[0].frame.y, titleText[1][0], titleText[1][1])
if not self.Interface.guiSpace[i][0].frame.w == titleText[1].w:
self.Interface.guiSpace[i][0].frame.w = titleText[1].w
self.Interface.guiSpace[i][0].frame.h = titleText[1].h
self.Interface.guiSpace[i][0].frame.x -= self.Interface.guiSpace[i][0].frame.w/2
self.Interface.guiSpace[i][0].frame.y -= self.Interface.guiSpace[i][0].frame.h/2
#code that is universal to any level or menu should go here, otherwise it needs to be generalized somehow. Eg varying function reference
def draw(self):
# Update and draw our root layer. For a layer-based scene, this
# is usually all you have to do in the draw method.
#0.5, 0.5, 0.8
self.root_layer.animate('background', Color([0],[1],[2]), 0.1) #cheat the time paradox
#if self.bganim and self.bganim.finished:
#scale level attributes up from my static display size to dynamic user screen size
if self.Interface.interface == "level":
#print([(m.x, m.y, m.w, m.h) for m in [n for n in self.Interface.meshSpace]])
m = vector(self.position.x, self.position.y, self.velocity[0], self.velocity[1])
for k in self.Interface.collideSpace:
d = intersect(k, m)
#for now this collision system works OK. However it needs to be majorly improved to be more accurate around the corners (test ball center distance from line < radius). The predictive nature of this collision system is good, should be maintained in future systems. Prediction will need to be further improved to account for moving objects (ugh).
if d: #there has been a collision
#between k and velocity at d
self.velocity = flip((-self.velocity[0], -self.velocity[1]), perp(k, d))
break #don't keep testing for collisions if one already happened!
self.velocity = (self.velocity[0]*self.drag, self.velocity[1]*self.drag)
self.position.x += self.velocity[0]
self.position.y += self.velocity[1]
self.velocity = list(self.velocity)
if self.position.x < 16:
self.velocity[0] = abs(self.velocity[0])
if self.position.y < 16:
self.velocity[1] = abs(self.velocity[1])
if self.position.x > self.bounds.w -16:
self.velocity[0] = -abs(self.velocity[0])
if self.position.y > self.bounds.h - 16:
self.velocity[1] = -abs(self.velocity[1])
self.velocity = tuple(self.velocity)
#new_frame = Rect(self.position.x - 16, self.position.y - 16, 32, 32)
#self.layer.animate('frame', new_frame, 0)
stroke(min(1,[0]*1.8), min(1,[1]*1.8),min(1,[2]*1.8))
import math
self.angle = math.atan2(self.dragvector[1], self.dragvector[0])
if not self.dragvector==(0,0):
line(self.position.x+self.dragvector[0], self.position.y+self.dragvector[1], self.position.x+self.dragvector[0]+20*math.cos(self.angle+7*math.pi/8),self.position.y+self.dragvector[1]+20*math.sin(self.angle+7*math.pi/8))
line(self.position.x+self.dragvector[0], self.position.y+self.dragvector[1], self.position.x+self.dragvector[0]+20*math.cos(self.angle-7*math.pi/8),self.position.y+self.dragvector[1]+20*math.sin(self.angle-7*math.pi/8))
ellipse(self.position.x - 16, self.position.y - 16, 32, 32)
#in-game menu
if self.Interface.interface == "level":
image('ionicons-ios7-pause-256', 280, 0, 40, 40)
#print self.Interface
for i in range(len(self.Interface.guiSpace)):
element = self.Interface.guiSpace[i]
tint(element[1].color[0], element[1].color[1], element[1].color[2])
titleText = render_text(element[1].text, element[1].font, element[1].size)
image(titleText[0], element[0].frame.x, element[0].frame.y, titleText[1][0], titleText[1][1])
if not self.Interface.guiSpace[i][0].frame.w == titleText[1].w:
self.Interface.guiSpace[i][0].frame.w = titleText[1].w
self.Interface.guiSpace[i][0].frame.h = titleText[1].h
#self.Interface.guiSpace[i][0].frame.x = element[2][0]-self.Interface.guiSpace[i][0].frame.w/2
#self.Interface.guiSpace[i][0].frame.y = element[2][1]-self.Interface.guiSpace[i][0].frame.h/2
def touch_began(self, touch):
# Animate the layer to the location of the touch:
if self.Interface.interface == "level":
if 240<touch.location.x<320 and 0<touch.location.y<40:
self.startx, self.starty = touch.location.x, touch.location.y
if self.Interface.interface == "menu":
if == "menu1":
if == 0: = 1
#check new inter. vals for accuracy, especially with rects
me = self.Interface.guiSpace[0][0]
me.animate('frame', Rect(-100-me.frame.w/2, 284-me.frame.h/2, me.frame.w, me.frame.h), 1)
me = self.Interface.guiSpace[1][0]
me.animate('frame', Rect(160-me.frame.w/2,316-me.frame.h/2, self.Interface.guiSpace[1][0].frame.w, self.Interface.guiSpace[1][0].frame.h), 1)
me = self.Interface.guiSpace[2][0]
me.animate('frame', Rect(160-me.frame.w/2,242-me.frame.h/2, me.frame.w,me.frame.h), 1)
#self.bganim = self.root_layer.animate('background', Color(0,0.62,1), 1) = (0,0.62,1)
#go blue
unhandled = True
for element in self.Interface.guiSpace[1:]:
if 0 <= touch.location.x-element[0].frame.x <= element[0].frame.w and 0 <= touch.location.y-element[0].frame.y <= element[0].frame.h:
unhandled = False
#check button title via text class then load level or menu by overriding interface
if element[1].text == "Play":
#embelish a bit (most recent level)
#self.root_layer.animate('background', Color(0.2,0.2,0.2), 0.2)
self.Interface = level1()
self.position = self.Interface.spawn
if unhandled:
#REVERSE reverse
me = self.Interface.guiSpace[0][0]
me.animate('frame', Rect(160-me.frame.w/2, 284-me.frame.h/2, me.frame.w, me.frame.h), 1)
me = self.Interface.guiSpace[1][0]
me.animate('frame', Rect(420-me.frame.w/2,316-me.frame.h/2, self.Interface.guiSpace[1][0].frame.w, self.Interface.guiSpace[1][0].frame.h), 1)
me = self.Interface.guiSpace[2][0]
me.animate('frame', Rect(420-me.frame.w/2,242-me.frame.h/2, me.frame.w,me.frame.h), 1)
#self.bganim = self.root_layer.animate('background', Color(1,1,1), 1)
#go white = (1,1,1) = 0
#self.layer.animate('frame', new_frame, 1.0, curve=curve_bounce_out)
#new_frame = Rect(x - 16, y - 16, 32, 32)
#self.layer.animate('frame', new_frame, 1, curve=curve_bounce_out)
# Animate the background color to a random color:
#new_color = Color(random(), random(), random())
#self.layer.animate('background', new_color, 1.0)
def touch_moved(self, touch):
if self.Interface.interface == "level":
self.dragvector = (self.startx - touch.location.x, self.starty - touch.location.y)
pass #prevent weird bugs
def touch_ended(self, touch):
if self.Interface.interface == "level":
self.velocity = (self.velocity[0]+0.07*self.dragvector[0], self.velocity[1]+0.07*self.dragvector[1])
self.dragvector = (0,0)
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