Here are useful Python libraries and a brief description of each of the packages listed:
Package | Description |
altgraph | a library for constructing graphs of objects, including directed and undirected graphs. |
async-timeout | a library for writing asynchronous code with timeouts. |
auto-py-to-exe | a tool for converting Python scripts into standalone executable files. |
beautifulsoup4 | a library for parsing and navigating HTML and XML documents. |
bs4 | a shorthand for the beautifulsoup4 package. |
bottle | a micro web framework for Python. |
bottle-websocket | a plugin for the Bottle framework that adds WebSocket support. |
certifi | a package of trusted SSL certificate authorities for use with the requests library. |
cffi | a library for calling C code from Python. |
charset-normalizer | a library for normalizing character sets in text strings. |
click | a library for building command line interfaces in Python. |
colorama | a library for adding colors to text in the console. |
comtypes | a library for accessing COM objects from Python. |
cssselect | a library for parsing and selecting elements from CSS3 Selectors. |
Eel | a library for building desktop applications with Python and JavaScript. |
future | a library for writing code compatible with both Python 2 and 3. |
gevent | a library for asynchronous I/O in Python. |
gevent-websocket | a library for creating WebSocket servers and clients using gevent. |
greenlet | a library for running multiple concurrent Python functions in a single thread. |
httplib2 | a library for making HTTP requests in Python. |
idna | a library for encoding and decoding IDNA (Internationalized Domain Names in Applications) strings. |
importlib-metadata | a library for reading metadata from Python packages. |
lxml | a library for processing XML and HTML documents. |
Markdown | a library for converting Markdown text to HTML. |
markdown2 | is another library for converting Markdown text to HTML. |
MechanicalSoup | a library for automating interactions with websites. |
oauth2 | a library for working with OAuth 2.0 authentication. |
oauthlib | another library for working with OAuth 2.0 authentication. |
packaging | a library for packaging Python projects. |
pefile | a library for reading and manipulating Portable Executable (PE) files. |
Pillow | a library for working with images in Python. |
py | a library for running Python scripts. |
py-gfm | a library for converting GitHub-Flavored Markdown to HTML. |
pycparser | a library for parsing C code. |
pyinstaller | a tool for creating standalone executable files from Python scripts. |
pyinstaller-hooks-contrib | a collection of hooks for use with PyInstaller. |
pyparsing | a library for creating parsers in Python. |
Qt and PyQt
Package | Description |
PyQt5 | a set of bindings for the Qt 5 application framework. |
pyqt5-plugins | a set of plugins for PyQt5. |
PyQt5-Qt5 | a set of bindings for the Qt 5 application framework. |
PyQt5-sip | a tool for generating Python bindings for C and C++ libraries. |
pyqt5-tools | a set of tools for PyQt5. |
PyQtWebEngine | a set of bindings for the QtWebEngine library. |
PyQtWebEngine-Qt5 | a set of bindings for the QtWebEngine library. |
qt5-applications | a set of applications for the Qt 5 application framework. |
qt5-tools | a set of tools for the Qt 5 application framework. |
Other Packages
Package | Description |
python-dotenv | a library for loading environment variables from a file. |
pywin32 | a library for accessing the Windows API from Python. |
pywin32-ctypes | a library for calling Windows API functions using ctypes. |
pywinauto | is a library for automating the control of Windows applications. |
redis | a library for working with Redis data structures in Python. |
requests | a library for making HTTP requests in Python. |
requests-oauthlib | a library for adding OAuth 1.0a support to the requests library. |
selenium | a library for automating web browsers. |
six | a library for writing code compatible with both Python 2 and 3. |
soupsieve | a library for searching and filtering elements in Beautiful Soup documents. |
spotipy | a library for accessing the Spotify Web API. |
toml | a library for reading and writing TOML (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language) configuration files. |
typing-extensions | a library for extending the Python typing module. |
urllib3 | a library for making HTTP requests in Python. |
whichcraft | a library for detecting which command line programs are installed on the system. |
zipp | a library for working with ZIP archives in Python. |
zope.event | a library for event publishing and subscription. |
zope.interface | a library for creating interfaces in Python. |