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Created February 27, 2024 11:40
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  • Save SanSan-/2570c75b6acbd7172d550abc30e50e85 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SanSan-/2570c75b6acbd7172d550abc30e50e85 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Walk in current dir and convert all chapters to cbz
$current = Get-Location
$vols = Get-ChildItem -Path $current.Path -Directory
foreach ($vol in $vols)
$chapters = Get-ChildItem -Path $vol.Name -Directory
foreach ($chapter in $chapters)
$name = $chapter.Name
$fullName = $chapter.FullName
$zipName = "$"
$leadZerosName = '{0:d3}' -f [int]$name
$cbzName = "Ch.$leadZerosName.cbz"
Compress-Archive -Path $fullName -DestinationPath $zipName
Write-Output "Zip $fullName complete!"
Rename-Item -Path $zipName -NewName $cbzName
Write-Output "Rename to $cbzName complete!"
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