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Last active November 5, 2021 23:06
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Fast mass replace in text by JavaScript when sed processor don't understand Unicode
var fs = require('fs');
const notesToTabs = [
{ key: '𝄢[до]', val: 'Z' },
{ key: '𝄢[ре]', val: 'X' },
{ key: '𝄢[ми]', val: 'C' },
{ key: '𝄢[фа]', val: 'V' },
{ key: '𝄢[соль]', val: 'B' },
{ key: '𝄢[ля]', val: 'N' },
{ key: '𝄢[си]', val: 'M' },
{ key: '𝄡[до]', val: 'A' },
{ key: '𝄡[ре]', val: 'S' },
{ key: '𝄡[ми]', val: 'D' },
{ key: '𝄡[фа]', val: 'F' },
{ key: '𝄡[соль]', val: 'G' },
{ key: '𝄡[ля]', val: 'H' },
{ key: '𝄡[си]', val: 'J' },
{ key: '𝄞[до]', val: 'Q' },
{ key: '𝄞[ре]', val: 'W' },
{ key: '𝄞[ми]', val: 'E' },
{ key: '𝄞[фа]', val: 'R' },
{ key: '𝄞[соль]', val: 'T' },
{ key: '𝄞[ля]', val: 'Y' },
{ key: '𝄞[си]', val: 'U' }
const notesToPs4Old = [
{ key: '[до]', val: '🡄' },
{ key: '[ре]', val: '🡅' },
{ key: '[ми]', val: '🡆' },
{ key: '[фа]', val: '🡇' },
{ key: '[соль]', val: '□' },
{ key: '[ля]', val: '△' },
{ key: '[си]', val: '○' }
const notesToPs4 = [
{ key: '[до]', val: '←' },
{ key: '[ре]', val: '↑' },
{ key: '[ми]', val: '→' },
{ key: '[фа]', val: '↓' },
{ key: '[соль]', val: '□' },
{ key: '[ля]', val: '△' },
{ key: '[си]', val: '○' }
function replaceAll (input, from, to) {
const fromLen = from.length;
let output = '';
let pos = 0;
for (; ;) {
let matchPos = input.indexOf(from, pos);
if (matchPos === -1) {
output += input.slice(pos);
output += input.slice(pos, matchPos);
output += to;
pos = matchPos + fromLen;
return output;
function formatLine (line, tabulation) {
for (var i = 0; i < tabulation.length; i++) {
line = replaceAll(line, tabulation[i].key, tabulation[i].val);
return line;
function reverseFormatLine (line, tabulation) {
for (var i = 0; i < tabulation.length; i++) {
line = replaceAll(line, tabulation[i].val, tabulation[i].key);
return line;
function processFile (inputFileName, mode, formatter) {
var readline = require('readline'),
instream = fs.createReadStream(`${inputFileName}.${isReverse ? mode : 'notes'}.txt`),
outstream = new (require('stream'))(),
rl = readline.createInterface(instream, outstream);
formatted = '';
rl.on('line', function (line) {
switch (mode) {
case 'ps4': {
formatted += formatter(line, notesToPs4);
case 'ps4-old': {
formatted += formatter(line, notesToPs4Old);
default: {
formatted += formatter(line, notesToTabs);
formatted += '\n';
rl.on('close', function (_line) {
`${inputFileName}.${isReverse ? 'notes' : (mode === 'ps4-old' ? 'ps4' : mode)}.txt`, formatted, 'utf8',
function (err) {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
if (process.argv.length < 3) {
console.log('Usage: node ' + process.argv[1] + ' FILENAME');
var filename = process.argv[2], mode = process.argv[3] || 'notes',
isReverse = process.argv[4] && process.argv[4] === 'reverse';
`${filename}.${isReverse ? (mode === 'ps4-old' ? 'ps4' : mode) : 'notes'}.txt`, 'utf8', function (err, _data) {
if (err) {
throw err;
console.log('OK: ' + filename);
processFile(filename, mode, isReverse ? reverseFormatLine : formatLine);
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