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Sandeep Vattapparambil Sandeepv68

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ryandabler / Object property descriptors.js
Last active June 17, 2021 00:05
Complete example of an object defined using property descriptors for this article:
// Create "backend" object to hold data for getters and setters on main object
const _ = Object.create( null );
firstname: {
value: 'John',
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
jeffchao / mappable.spec.js
Created March 28, 2013 23:58
Implementation of in Javascript
// Run using jasmine-node.
// e.g.: jasmine-node file_name.spec.js
Array.prototype.mymap = function (callback) {
var obj = Object(this);
if (obj.length === 0) return null;
if (typeof(callback) === 'undefined') return null;
for (var i = 0, o; o = obj[i]; i++) {