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Last active January 11, 2025 21:40
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  • Save SanderMertens/2d59f84cb4a83b2f0a08dfc5a60621d9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SanderMertens/2d59f84cb4a83b2f0a08dfc5a60621d9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
using flecs.script.*
using flecs.components.*
const Stone = Rgb: {0.4, 0.3, 0.3}
const SideWalk = Rgb: {0.4, 0.4, 0.4}
const Concrete = Rgb: {0.3, 0.3, 0.3}
const Door = Rgb: {0.1, 0.07, 0.04}
const Frame = Rgb: {0.7, 0.7, 0.7}
const Awning = Rgb: {0.06, 0.08, 0.05}
const Railing = Rgb: {0.9, 0.8, 0.7}
const Roof = Rgb: {0.1, 0.1, 0.1}
const Interior = Rgb: {0.8, 0.8, 0.8}
const Floor = Rgb: {0.1, 0.05, 0.01}
const Street = Rgb: {0.05, 0.05, 0.05}
const Plant = Rgb: {0.15, 0.4, 0.1}
const Lantern = Rgb: {0.3, 0.3, 0.3}
const LanternLight = Rgb: {1, 0.5, 0}
const MaxSize: 4
const rng = Rng: {seed: 9}
template Gap {
prop width = f32: 2
prop depth = f32: 2
prop height = f32: 0.15
prop color: $Stone
const w_inner: width
const d_inner: depth
const left: -width / 2
const right: width / 2
const top: depth / 2
const bottom: -depth / 2
const y: height / 2
Rotation3: {x += PI / 2}
with $color {{
Position3: {left, y}
Rotation3: {0, -PI / 2}
Rectangle: {d_inner, height}
} {
Position3: {right, y}
Rotation3: {0, PI / 2}
Rectangle: {d_inner, height}
} {
Position3: {0, y, top}
Rectangle: {w_inner, height}
} {
Position3: {0, y, bottom}
Rotation3: {0, PI}
Rectangle: {w_inner, height}
template Frame {
prop width = f32: 2
prop depth = f32: 2
prop height = f32: 0.15
prop thickness = f32: 0.05
prop color = Rgb: {0.7, 0.7, 0.7}
const w_inner: width - thickness * 2
const d_inner: depth - thickness * 2
const left: -width / 2
const right: width / 2
const top: depth / 2
const bottom: -depth / 2
const ceil_left: left + thickness / 2
const ceil_right: right - thickness / 2
const ceil_top: top - thickness / 2
const ceil_bottom: bottom + thickness / 2
const y: height / 2
Rotation3: {x += PI / 2}
with $color {
// Left wall
Position3: {left, y}
Rotation3: {0, PI / 2}
Rectangle: {depth, height}
} {
Position3: {left + thickness, y}
Rotation3: {0, -PI / 2}
Rectangle: {d_inner, height}
// Right wall
Position3: {right, y}
Rotation3: {0, -PI / 2}
Rectangle: {depth, height}
} {
Position3: {right - thickness, y}
Rotation3: {0, PI / 2}
Rectangle: {d_inner, height}
// Top wall
Position3: {0, y, top}
Rotation3: {0, PI}
Rectangle: {width, height}
} {
Position3: {0, y, top - thickness}
Rectangle: {w_inner, height}
// Bottom wall
Position3: {0, y, bottom}
Rectangle: {width, height}
} {
Position3: {0, y, bottom + thickness}
Rotation3: {0, PI}
Rectangle: {w_inner, height}
// Ceiling
with Rotation3(PI / 2) {
Position3: {ceil_left, height}
Rectangle: {thickness, depth}
} {
Position3: {ceil_right, height}
Rectangle: {thickness, depth}
} {
Position3: {0, height, ceil_top}
Rectangle: {width, thickness}
} {
Position3: {0, height, ceil_bottom}
Rectangle: {width, thickness}
// Floor
with Rotation3(-PI / 2) {
Position3: {ceil_left, 0}
Rectangle: {thickness, depth}
} {
Position3: {ceil_right, 0}
Rectangle: {thickness, depth}
} {
Position3: {0, 0, ceil_top}
Rectangle: {width, thickness}
} {
Position3: {0, 0, ceil_bottom}
Rectangle: {width, thickness}
template Awning {
prop height = f32: 1
prop width = f32: 1
prop color: $Awning
Position3: {z: 0.08}
const sqh: (height / 4) / sqrt(2)
const h: height / 2 - (2 * height / 8) - sqh / 2
if rng.u(2) {
with $color {{
Position3: {y: height / 2 - height / 8}
Box: {width, height / 4, 0.02}
} {
Position3: {y: h, z: -sqh / 2}
Box: {width, height / 4, 0.02}
Rotation3: {x: PI/4}
Position3: {-width/2 + 0.01, h - sqh/2, -sqh / 2}
Rgb: {}
Box: {0.02, 0.02, sqh}
Position3: {width/2 - 0.01, h - sqh/2, -sqh / 2}
Rgb: {}
Box: {0.02, 0.02, sqh}
} else {
Position3: {y: height / 2 - height / 8}
Box: {width, height / 4, 0.02}
template Window {
prop height = f32: 1
prop width = f32: 1
prop depth = f32: 0.12
prop awning: false
prop ledge: true
prop style: true
prop color: $Frame
prop awning_color: $Awning
width: width
depth: height
height: depth
Position3: {z: depth}
Frame: {
width: width
depth: height
height: 0.05
color: $color
Position3: {z: depth + 0.025}
Box: {width, 0.05, 0.05}
if style {{
Position3: {z: depth + 0.025}
Box: {0.025, height, 0.025}
if awning {{
Position3: {}
Awning: {$, $, color: awning_color}
if ledge {{
Position3: {y: -height / 2 - 0.04, z: -0.05 + 0.1}
Box: {width, 0.2, 0.1}
template Door {
prop height = f32: 1
prop width = f32: 1
prop depth = f32: 0.05
Gap: {
width: width
depth: height
height: depth
Position3: {y: 0.0, z: depth}
Frame: {
width: width
depth: height
height: 0.07
thickness: 0.07
color: {0,0,0}
} {
Position3: {z: depth + 0.025}
Box: {width, 0.05, 0.05}
Rgb: {0,0,0}
template Side {
prop color: $Stone
Position3: {x += 0, y += 1}
Rectangle: {2, 2}
Position3: {x += 0, y += 1}
Rectangle: {2, 2}
Rotation3: {y: -PI}
template RectangleGap {
prop width: 2.0
prop height: 2.0
prop gap_w: 0.75
prop gap_h: 1.3
prop gap_offset: 0.3
prop color: $Stone
const side_w: (width - gap_w) / 2.0
const side_w_h: side_w / 2.0
const top_h: height - gap_h - gap_offset
const bottom_h: gap_offset
for i in 0..2 {
const c: match i {
0: $color
1: Interior
with $c {{
Rectangle: {side_w, height}
Position3: {width / 2.0 - side_w_h}
Rotation3: {y: PI * i}
} {
Rectangle: {side_w, height}
Position3: {-width / 2.0 + side_w_h}
Rotation3: {y: PI * i}
} {
Rectangle: {width, top_h}
Position3: {0, height / 2.0 - top_h / 2}
Rotation3: {y: PI * i}
} {
Rectangle: {width, bottom_h}
Position3: {0, -height / 2.0 + bottom_h / 2}
Rotation3: {y: PI * i}
template SideGap {
prop gap_w: 0.0
prop gap_h: 0.0
prop gap_offset: 0.0
prop color: $Stone
RectangleGap: {
width: 2,
height: 2
gap_w: $
gap_h: $
gap_offset: $
color: $
template SideDoor {
prop width: 0.75
prop height: 1.25
prop color: $Stone
const offset: 0.05
Position3: {y += 1}
SideGap(width, height, offset, color) {}
Door(width: width, height: height) {
Position3: {y: offset - 1 + height / 2}
template SideMixed {
prop color: $Stone
const depth: 0.2
const gap: 1.7
Position3: {y += 1}
gap_w: gap
gap_h: gap
gap_offset: 0.05
color: {0.6, 0.6, 0.6}
Box: {2, 0.2, 0.1}
Position3: {y: 1, z: -0.05}
Rgb: {0.6, 0.6, 0.6}
Position3: {y: -0.1}
Gap: {
width: gap
height: depth
depth: gap
color: {0.6, 0.6, 0.6}
RectangleGap: {
width: 1.7
height: 1.75
gap_w: 0.6
gap_h: 1.1
gap_offset: 0
color: $color
Position3: {y: -0.1, z: 0.1}
Position3: {y:-0.47, y: -0.4, z: 0.1}
Door: {width: 0.6, height: 1.1, depth: 0.05}
template SideWindow {
prop width: 0.0
prop height: 0.0
prop offset: 0.0
prop awning: false
prop ledge: true
prop style: true
prop color: $Stone
prop window_color: $Frame
prop awning_color: $Awning
Position3: {y += 1}
SideGap(width, height, offset, color) {}
Position3: {y: -(2 - height) / 2 + offset}
Window: {
width: width
height: height
awning: awning
ledge: ledge
style: style
color: window_color
awning_color: $awning_color
template Roof {
prop width: 0.3
Position3: {y += 1}
with $Railing {
if width {
Position3: {x: 0, y: -1, z: -width/2}
Rectangle: {2, width}
Rotation3: {x: -PI/2}
} {
Position3: {x: 0, y: -0.9, z: -width / 2 - 0.05}
Rectangle: {2, width - 0.1}
Rotation3: {x: PI/2}
} {
Position3: {x: 0, y: -0.95, z: -width}
Rectangle: {2, 0.1}
Position3: {x: 0, y: -0.85, z: -0.05}
Box: {2, 0.3, 0.1}
template RoofCorner {
prop width: 0.3
Position3: {y += 1}
with $Railing {
Position3: {x: -0.05, y: -0.85, z: -0.05}
Box: {0.1, 0.3, 0.1}
if width {
Position3: {x: -width/2, y: -0.95, z: -width/2}
Box: {width, 0.1, width}
template Railing {
prop color: $Stone
const depth: 0.2
Position3: {y += 1}
Position3: {x: 0, y: -0.95, z: -depth/2}
Box: {2, 0.05, depth}
} {
Position3: {x: 0, y: -1.05, z: -0.05}
Box: {2, 0.15, 0.1}
template RailingCorner {
prop color: $Stone
const depth: 0.2
Position3: {y += 1}
Position3: {x: -0.05, y: -1.05, z: -0.05}
Box: {0.1, 0.15, 0.1}
} {
Position3: {x: -depth/2, y: -0.95, z: -depth/2}
Box: {depth, 0.05, depth}
template Building {
prop width: 3
prop depth: 3
prop height: 3
prop railing_frequency: 2
prop blank_ground_floor: false
prop roof_width: 0.3
prop mixed: false
prop color: Stone
prop window = SideWindow: {
width: 0.6
height: 1.2
offset: 0.6
window_color: $Frame
awning_color: $Awning
awning: true
style: true
const bw: width * 2
const bd: depth * 2
const bh: height + 1
const sidewalk_height: 0.2
const sidewalk_depth: 1
const bwindow = SideWindow: {
width: $window.width
height: $window.height
offset: $window.offset
color: $color
awning: $window.awning
style: $
ledge: $window.ledge
window_color: $window.window_color
awning_color: $window.awning_color
sidewalk {
Position3: {y: sidewalk_height / 2}
Box: {
width * 2 + sidewalk_depth * 2,
depth * 2 + sidewalk_depth * 2
const door_index = i32 : width / 2
building {
Position3: {x += -bw / 2 + 1, y: sidewalk_height, z += -bd / 2}
Position3: {x: bw / 2 - 1, y: bh * 2, z: bd / 2}
Rectangle: {bw, bd}
Rotation3: {x: PI/2}
with RoofCorner(roof_width) {{
Position3: {x: - 1, y: bh * 2}
} {
Position3: {x: bw - 1, y: bh * 2}
Rotation3: {y: -PI/2}
} {
Position3: {x: bw - 1, y: bh * 2, z: bd}
Rotation3: {y: PI}
} {
Position3: {x: - 1, y: bh * 2, z: bd}
Rotation3: {y: PI / 2}
for y in 0 .. bh + 1 {
const is_roof: y == bh
if y && !is_roof {{
Position3: {x: bw / 2 - 1, y: y * 2, z: bd / 2}
Rectangle: {bw, bd}
Rotation3: {x: PI/2}
Position3: {x: bw / 2 - 1, y: y * 2, z: bd / 2}
Rectangle: {bw, bd}
Rotation3: {x: -PI/2}
if y && !is_roof && !(y % railing_frequency) {
with Railing(color: color) {
for x in 0 .. width {
Position3: {x: x * 2, y: y * 2}
} {
Position3: {x: x * 2, y: y * 2, z: bd}
Rotation3: {y: PI}
for x in 0 .. depth {
Position3: {x: - 1, y: y * 2, x * 2 + 1}
Rotation3: {y: PI/2}
} {
Position3: {x: bw - 1, y: y * 2, x * 2 + 1}
Rotation3: {y: -PI/2}
with RailingCorner(color: color) {{
Position3: {x: - 1, y: y * 2}
} {
Position3: {x: bw - 1, y: y * 2}
Rotation3: {y: -PI/2}
} {
Position3: {x: bw - 1, y: y * 2, z: bd}
Rotation3: {y: PI}
} {
Position3: {x: - 1, y: y * 2, z: bd}
Rotation3: {y: PI / 2}
Position3: {y: y * 2}
for x in 0 .. width {
Position3: {x * 2}
if !y {
if (x == door_index) {
if mixed {
SideMixed: {color: $color}
} else {
SideDoor: {color: $color}
} else if mixed {
SideMixed: {color: $color}
} else if blank_ground_floor {
Side:{color: $color}
} else {
} else {
if !is_roof {
} else {
Roof: {roof_width}
Rotation3: {y: $PI}
Position3: {x: x * 2, z: bd}
if !y && blank_ground_floor {
Side(color: $color)
} else if !is_roof {
} else {
Roof: {roof_width}
for x in 0 .. depth {
Position3: {x: -1, z: x * 2 + 1}
Rotation3: {y: PI/2}
if !y && blank_ground_floor {
Side(color: $color)
} else if !is_roof {
} else {
Roof: {roof_width}
Position3: {x: bw - 1, z: x * 2 + 1}
Rotation3: {y: -PI/2}
if !y && blank_ground_floor {
Side(color: $color)
} else if !is_roof {
} else {
Roof: {roof_width}
template BuildingA {
prop width: 3
prop depth: 3
prop height: 3
const color = Rgb: {rng.f(0.3) + 0.3, rng.f(0.3) + 0.3, rng.f(0.3) + 0.3}
const window_b: rng.f(0.3) + 0.7
const window_h: 1 + rng.f(0.4)
const window_o: 1 - window_h / 2
const window = SideWindow: {
width: 0.6 + rng.f(0.3)
height: window_h
offset: window_o
window_color: {window_b, window_b, window_b}
awning_color: match rng.u(4) {
0: $Awning
1: {0.12, 0.06, 0.05}
2: {0.13, 0.12, 0.08}
3: {0.23, 0.13, 0.1}
awning: true
style: rng.u(2)
ledge: rng.u(2)
width: $
height: $
depth: $
window: window
mixed: rng.u(2)
railing_frequency: rng.u(3) + 1
roof_width: rng.f(0.3) + 0.1
color: {rng.f(0.2) + 0.3, rng.f(0.2) + 0.3, rng.f(0.2) + 0.3}
template BuildingB {
prop width: 3
prop depth: 3
prop height: 3
const window = SideWindow: {
width: 1.2
height: 1.5
offset: 0.15
window_color: $Frame
awning_color: $Awning
awning: false
ledge: false
width: $
height: height + 1
depth: $
window: window
railing_frequency: 1
blank_ground_floor: true
roof_width: 0
color: {rng.f(0.2) + 0.3, rng.f(0.2) + 0.3, rng.f(0.2) + 0.3}
template BuildingC {
prop width: 3
prop depth: 3
prop height: 3
const window = SideWindow: {
width: 1.0
height: 1.4
offset: 0.3
window_color: $Frame
awning_color: $Awning
awning: false
awning_color: {}
ledge: false
style: false
const b = rng.f(0.1) + 0.2
width: $
height: height + 2
depth: $
window: window
railing_frequency: 100
mixed: true
roof_width: 0
color: {b, b, b}
template Lantern {
prop on: false
const height: 3
Position3: {y: height/2}
Box: {0.2, height, 0.2}
const w: 0.75
const y: w / sqrt(2)
const h: height - 0.1
Position3: {x: -0.3, y: h + y / 2}
Rotation3: {z: -PI/4}
Box: {0.75, 0.1, 0.2}
Position3: {x: 0.3, y: h + y / 2}
Rotation3: {z: PI/4}
Box: {0.75, 0.1, 0.2}
const emissive = Emissive: match on {
true: { 1.0 }
false: { 0.0 }
with $LanternLight, $emissive {{
Position3: {x: -0.4, y: h + y / 2}
Rotation3: {z: -PI/4}
Box: {0.5, 0.05, 0.2}
Position3: {x: 0.4, y: h + y / 2}
Rotation3: {z: PI/4}
Box: {0.5, 0.05, 0.2}
PointLight: {
color: [1.0, 0.5, 0]
intensity: match on {
true: 0.01
false: 0
distance: 2
Position3: {y: height}
template TrafficLight {
prop state: 0
Position3: {y += 0, z: 0.15}
Box: {0.3, 0.65, 0.1}
Rgb: {0.01, 0.01, 0.01}
Position3: {}
Box: {0.4, 0.75, 0.05}
Rgb: {0.15, 0.1}
Position3: {y: 0.2, 0.05}
Box: {0.15, 0.15, 0.05}
Rgb: match state {
2: {1, 0, 0}
_: {0.1, 0, 0}
Emissive: match state {
2: {2}
_: {0}
} {
Position3: {y: 0.0, 0.05}
Box: {0.15, 0.15, 0.05}
Rgb: match state {
1: {1, 0.5, 0}
_: {0.1, 0.05, 0}
Emissive: match state {
1: {2}
_: {0}
} {
Position3: {y: -0.2, 0.05}
Box: {0.15, 0.15, 0.05}
Rgb: match state {
0: {0, 1, 0}
_: {0.0, 0.1, 0}
Emissive: match state {
0: {2}
_: {0}
} {
PointLight: {
color: match state {
0: [0.1, 0.5, 0.1]
1: [0.5, 0.25, 0.1]
2: [0.5, 0.1, 0.1]
intensity: 0.03
distance: 1
Position3: {}
template TrafficLights {
prop height: 3
Position3: {y += height / 2}
Box: {0.2, height, 0.2}
Rgb: {0.1, 0.1, 0.1}
_ {
Position3: {-2, y: height / 2}
Box: {4.2, 0.1, 0.2}
Rgb: {0.1, 0.1, 0.1}
Position3: {-2, height / 2}
TrafficLight: {}
Position3: {-4, height / 2}
TrafficLight: {}
template Plant {
Position3: {y: 0.5}
Rotation3: {x: PI/2}
Frame: {width: 0.5, depth: 0.5, height: 0.5, color: $Concrete}
Position3: {y: 0.45}
Rotation3: {PI/2}
Rectangle: {0.5, 0.5}
Rgb: {0.01, 0.005, 0}
Position3: {y: 0.5}
Box: {0.1, 0.4, 0.1}
Rgb: {0.1, 0.07, 0.05}
Position3: {y: 0.7}
Box: {0.2, 0.1, 0.2}
Rgb: {0.15, 0.25, 0.1}
Position3: {y: 1.0}
Box: {0.3, 0.5, 0.3}
Rgb: {0.15, 0.25, 0.1}
template Street {
prop width: 12
prop length: 15
Position3: {y: 0.025}
Box: {width, 0.05, length}
Position3: {y: 0.05}
Box: {1, 0.2, length}
Lantern() {
Position3: {z: 0}
Position3: {z: -length / 2 + 1 }
TrafficLights: {}
Position3: {z: length / 2 - 1 }
Rotation3: {y: PI}
TrafficLights: {}
for i in 0..4 {
Position3: {z: i * 5 - 7.5}
Plant: {}
template CityBlock {
for x in 0..3 {
Position3: {-8, z: x * 8 - 8}
Rotation3: {y: PI/2}
if rng.u(5) {
BuildingA: {height: rng.u(MaxSize)}
} else if rng.u(3) {
BuildingB: {height: rng.u(MaxSize)}
} else {
BuildingC: {height: rng.u(MaxSize)}
} {
Position3: {8, z: x * 8 - 8}
Rotation3: {y: -PI/2}
if rng.u(5) {
BuildingA: {height: rng.u(MaxSize)}
} else if rng.u(3) {
BuildingB: {height: rng.u(MaxSize)}
} else {
BuildingC: {height: rng.u(MaxSize)}
Position3: {0, z: -7}
if rng.u(5) {
BuildingA: {depth: 4, height: rng.u(MaxSize)}
} else if rng.u(3) {
BuildingB: {depth: 4, height: rng.u(MaxSize)}
} else {
BuildingC: {depth: 4, height: rng.u(MaxSize)}
Position3: {0, z: 6}
Rotation3: {y: PI}
if rng.u(5) {
BuildingA: {depth: 5, height: rng.u(MaxSize)}
} else if rng.u(3) {
BuildingB: {depth: 5, height: rng.u(MaxSize)}
} else {
BuildingC: {depth: 5, height: rng.u(MaxSize)}
template StreetGrid {
prop width: 1
prop height: 1
const sw: 12
const cellsize: 8 * 3
const w: cellsize + sw
for x in 0..width + 1{
for y in 0..height {
Street(sw, cellsize) {
Position3: {x * w, z: y * w}
for x in 0..width {
for y in 0..height + 1 {
Street(sw, cellsize) {
Position3: {x: x * w + w / 2, z: (y - 1) * w + w / 2}
Rotation3: {y: PI/2}
for x in 0 .. width + 1 {
for y in 0 .. height + 1{
Position3: {
x: x * (cellsize + sw),
z: y * (cellsize + sw) - sw * 1.5
Box: {sw, 0.1, sw}
for x in 0..width {
for y in 0..height {
Position3: {
x: x * (cellsize + sw) - sw / 2 + cellsize,
z: y * (cellsize + sw)
CityBlock: {}
StreetGrid() {
Rotation3: {y: PI/2}
$ { {0.7, 0.0}
camera {
Position3: {-24.21, 11.75, -43.62}
Rotation3: {-0.27, 0.76, 0}
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