January 2, 2023 23:06
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[alias] | |
# branch (verbose) | |
br = branch -v | |
# commit | |
ci = commit --verbose | |
# amend your last commit | |
amend = commit --amend --verbose | |
# amend your last commit | |
ammend = commit --amend --verbose | |
# cleanup local branches after they have been merged | |
cleanup = "!git branch -vvv | grep ': gone]' | grep -v '\\*' | awk '{ print \"git branch -D\", $1 }' | bash" | |
# checkout | |
co = checkout | |
# checkout pr #<nr> | |
co-pr = !sh -c 'git fetch origin pull/$1/head:pr/$1 && git checkout pr/$1' - | |
# fixup | |
fixup = !sh -c 'git commit -m \"fixup! $(git log -1 --format='\\''%s'\\'' $@)\"' - | |
# pretty log | |
lg = log --graph --pretty='format:%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative | |
lost = !"git fsck | awk '/dangling commit/ {print $3}' | git show --format='SHA1: %C(yellow)%h%Creset %f' --stdin | awk '/SHA1/ {sub(\"SHA1: \", \"\"); print}'" | |
# push (promote) your branch to remote origin and track it | |
# this is useful the first time you try to push a new local branch to origin | |
promote = "!git push -u origin ${1:-HEAD}" | |
# rebase | |
rb = rebase | |
ri = rebase --interactive --autosquash | |
# commit with squash tag | |
squash = !sh -c 'git commit -m \"squash! $(git log -1 --format='\\''%s'\\'' $@)\"' - | |
# status | |
st = status | |
# working in progress commit | |
unwip = !"git log -n 1 | grep -q -c wip && git reset HEAD~1" | |
wip = !"git add -A; git ls-files --deleted -z | xargs -0 git rm; git commit -m \"wip [ci skip]\" --no-verify" | |
[apply] | |
whitespace = fix | |
[branch] | |
autosetuprebase = always | |
[core] | |
attributesfile = ~/.gitattributes | |
autocrlf = input | |
editor = vim | |
excludesfile = /opt/dotfiles/git/gitignore | |
quotepath = false | |
safecrlf = true | |
whitespace = cr-at-eol,space-before-tab,-indent-with-non-tab,trailing-space | |
[fetch] | |
prune = true | |
[format] | |
pretty = %Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset | |
[init] | |
templatedir = /opt/dotfiles/git/git-templates | |
[pull] | |
rebase = preserve | |
[push] | |
default = current | |
[rebase] | |
autosquash = true | |
autostash = true | |
stat = true | |
[rerere] | |
enabled = 1 | |
autoupdate = true |
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