#Intro - Get to know the group#
- What's your level of CSS experience
- Do you know any programming languages?
- What's the most complex thing you've done with SASS
##How the meetup will Work##
- Each Meetup will be targeted to a specific skill level (Basic/Advanced) ideally with some hands-on time in sassmeister
- The meetup will start with a mini-demo of something at the opposite skill level of main content
- Then we jump into sassmeister.com and do some hands on
- After the meetup we'll grab a pint nearby
##Ideas / Topics for the Meetup##
- Twitter Handle
- No-shows will probably become a problem - Some kind of policy will likely be needed / fee?
Topics - Let's post up something on meetup.com to manage the requests/suggestions
- Breakpoint Management is SASS (Basic)
- Different Tools for Grids (Intermediate)
- SASS project Conventions: Organizing Projects with BEM (Block Element Modifier) - (Intermediate)
- Foundation Framework (Basic)
- SASS debug Maps w/ Chrome
- Vertical Rhythm w/ Compass
#DEMO - SASS is just part of the front-end development stack (Advanced)#
- This is a slice of a Drupal presentation an advanced SASS themeing in drupal
- Default CSS + Variables - http://sassmeister.com/gist/8513630
- Nested Selectors (simple) http://sassmeister.com/gist/8ce22cd34bcce0f1c87d
- Nested Selectors + SASS functions - http://sassmeister.com/gist/8513738
- Extends - http://sassmeister.com/gist/8513957
- Place Holders - http://sassmeister.com/gist/8514211
- Compass & Custom mixins - http://sassmeister.com/gist/8514246