generate key in batch mode using a custom profile
gpg --gen-key --batch gpgspecs
create a file with your fingerprint info and display the related information. A fingerprint is used as a robust key identifier
gpg --fingerprint
check you have at least a OpenPGPv4 key (v3 is not considered as robust)
gpg --export-options export-minimal --export '<fingerprint>' | gpg --list-packets | grep version
check you have at least a DSA-2 or (preferably) RSA key with a length of 4K (or more).
gpg --export-options export-minimal --export '<fingerprint>' | gpg --list-packets | grep -A2 '^:public key packet:$'| grep algo
check the output : RSA corresponds to algo 1, DSA to algo 17, ECDSA corresponds to algo 19, ECC to algo 18
in case you have RSA or DSA, check you have at least a key with a length of at least 4K (RSA) or at least 1K (DSA-2). ECDSA and ECC have different kind of keys
gpg --export-options export-minimal --export '<fingerprint>' | gpg --list-packets | grep -A2 'public key'| grep 'pkey\[0\]:'
auto signatures should not use MD5. check that with the following command.
gpg --export-options export-minimal --export '<fingerprint>' | gpg --list-packets | grep -A 2 signature| grep 'digest algo'
auto signatures should not use SHA-1. check that with the following command.
gpg --export-options export-minimal --export '<fingerprint>' | gpg --list-packets | grep -A 2 signature| grep 'digest algo 2,'
If any of previous commands results contains 'digest algo 1' or 'digest algo 2', you should regenerate your key after adding cert-digest-algo SHA512
in ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf
echo "cert-digest-algo SHA512" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf
you can regenerate an existing key, by simply updating the expiry date
gpg --edit-key '<fingerprint>'
gpg> expire
gpg> 2y
gpg> save
check if your preferences for hashing algorithm include a member of SHA-2 family before SHA-1 and MD5.
gpg --export-options export-minimal --export '<fingerprint>' | gpg --list-packets | grep 'pref-hash-algos'
if you see one of numbers '3', '2' ou '1' preceeding '11', '10', '9' or '8', you have weak preferences. Fix them
echo "default-preference-list SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224 AES256 AES192 AES CAST5 ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP Uncompressed" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf
then fix your key :
gpg --edit-key '<fingerprint>'
gpg> setpref
gpg> save
check you key expiry date, it should be max 2 years in the future from now
gpg --export-options export-minimal --export '<fingerprint>' | gpg --list-packets | grep 'key expires after'
gpg --list-keys '<fingerprint>'
you can fix that it it's not the case
gpg --edit-key '<fingerprint>'
gpg> expire
gpg> 2y
gpg> save
list your public keys, printing also fingerprint because default ids are too short and not secure
gpg --list-keys --with-fingerprint
list your private keys, with fingerprint since default ids are too short and not secure
gpg --list-secret-keys --with-fingerprint
avoid passing --with-fingerprint each time, by changing your default settings :
echo "with-fingerprint" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf
export a public key
gpg -ao [email protected] --export '<fingerprint>'
export a private key
gpg -ao [email protected] --export-secret-keys '<fingerprint>'
gpg --export-secret-keys --armor <fingerprint> > /path/to/secret-key-backup.asc
You can simply backup the file at ~/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg. Or you can also export it with the following command:
gpg --export-ownertrust > /path/to/trustdb-backup.txt
generate a revocation key (in case you forget your pass or your key is compromised)
gpg --output revoke.asc --gen-revoke '<fingerprint>'
delete private keys
gpg --delete-secret-keys '<fingerprint>'
delete public keys
gpg --delete-keys '<fingerprint>'
check the fingerprint of a key before you import it
gpg --with-fingerprint <keyfile>
Import it (either it be private or public)
gpg --import <path to key>
create an archive of your secret files
tar czf mysecrets.tar.gz folder_with_secrets
tar -ztvf mysecrets.tar.gz
gpg --encrypt --recipient <uid> mysecrets.tar.gz // or gpg --encrypt --recipient <fingerprint> mysecrets.tar.gz
decrypt file the archive
gpg --output restoredsecrets.tar.gz --decrypt mysecrets.tar.gz.gpg
tar -ztvf restoredsecrets.tar.gz
Infos :