Link to ticket goes here
(Summary of the PR issue & fix -- specifically list the steps you took to address the problem, link to Jira or design. Ex: 1.) Added props, 2.) edited styles...)
(Explain how to test the new features added in the PR, for example: "When you click the new icon you should go to the next screen, etc.")
(Optional section to add info if needed, such as: blocked, don't merge until something else is merged, hotfix, etc.)
(Add details here on whether this PR should be merged before or after another PR, or if it is blocked by another PR, etc.)
This PR has been:
- linted
- tested
- functionality has been verified against designs or tickets
- commented / documented
- made sure you pulled latest, resolved conflicts & tested
- peer reviewed at least once
- reviewed again by someone else (could be current review)