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Created October 12, 2017 07:43
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  • Save SarasArya/1b9eb3683e4740d7ba19ec926c3dc3b3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SarasArya/1b9eb3683e4740d7ba19ec926c3dc3b3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This gist lists the cherry pick by author and stores in a file and apply it on a branch
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ -z ${1} ]
echo "Enter first argument which is author name";
if [ -z {$2} ]
echo "enter second argument which is in which branch you want these commits to go"
echo "Cherry picking commit for user ${1} from branch $(git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD) will put into ${2}" ;
git log --committer="[email protected]" --format=format:%H > cherry-pick.txt
git checkout ${2}
for commit in $(cat cherry-pick.txt) ; do
hash=$(echo ${commit} | cut -d$'\t' -f 1)
printf "${hash}\n"
git cherry-pick ${hash}
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biemster commented Feb 6, 2023

You might want to consider on line 17 tac instead of cat? That way it will apply the changes in the order the developer did.

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@biemster that is a very interesting point, for that matter. I didn't even know there was a command called tac.

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biemster commented Feb 7, 2023

I just used this gist to save a week of my work on a branch I wrecked (thanks for this!), but it only managed to successfully apply the hashes in the correct order, so using tac. Thanks again!

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