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Created December 2, 2019 08:48
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using OffsetArrays
using Test
const input = parse.(Int, split(read("2_input", String), ','))
const instructions = Dict(
1 => +,
2 => *,
function init!(intcode, noun, verb)
intcode[1] = noun
intcode[2] = verb
return intcode
function main(input, noun, verb)
intcode = OffsetVector(copy(input), 0:length(input) - 1)
# 1202 program alarm
# init!(intcode, 12, 2)
init!(intcode, noun, verb)
i = 0
while intcode[i] != 99
intcode[intcode[i + 3]] = instructions[intcode[i]](intcode[intcode[i + 1]], intcode[intcode[i + 2]])
i += 4
return intcode[0]
function reverse(input, output)
for i in 0:99, j in 0:99
main(input, i, j) == output && return 100 * i + j
function tests()
@test main(input, 12, 2) == 5866714
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cmcaine commented Dec 2, 2019

I like that you called it reverse :)

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