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Last active September 10, 2024 06:53
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Use boto to upload directory into s3
import boto
import boto.s3
import os.path
import sys
# Fill these in - you get them when you sign up for S3
# Fill in info on data to upload
# destination bucket name
bucket_name = 'jwu-testbucket'
# source directory
sourceDir = 'testdata/'
# destination directory name (on s3)
destDir = ''
#max size in bytes before uploading in parts. between 1 and 5 GB recommended
MAX_SIZE = 20 * 1000 * 1000
#size of parts when uploading in parts
PART_SIZE = 6 * 1000 * 1000
conn = boto.connect_s3(AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET)
bucket = conn.create_bucket(bucket_name,
uploadFileNames = []
for (sourceDir, dirname, filename) in os.walk(sourceDir):
def percent_cb(complete, total):
for filename in uploadFileNames:
sourcepath = os.path.join(sourceDir + filename)
destpath = os.path.join(destDir, filename)
print 'Uploading %s to Amazon S3 bucket %s' % \
(sourcepath, bucket_name)
filesize = os.path.getsize(sourcepath)
if filesize > MAX_SIZE:
print "multipart upload"
mp = bucket.initiate_multipart_upload(destpath)
fp = open(sourcepath,'rb')
fp_num = 0
while (fp.tell() < filesize):
fp_num += 1
print "uploading part %i" %fp_num
mp.upload_part_from_file(fp, fp_num, cb=percent_cb, num_cb=10, size=PART_SIZE)
print "singlepart upload"
k = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket)
k.key = destpath
cb=percent_cb, num_cb=10)
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freewayz commented Aug 11, 2016

Using this technique can you upload files within a sub directory inside a directory?

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This is great, just what I'm after. But how can I extract the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET in my Python script running within Bitbucket Pipelines? Other scripts I have seen make no reference to these two properties, but connect like this:

import boto3
client = boto3.client('s3')

Although the methods are different on boto3 so it's a bit tricky...advice?

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cdsimpkins commented Oct 28, 2016

@mark-norgate The example from Amazon for Bitbucket pipelines says to set environment variables which are automatically picked up by the boto3 library. linky

Also, thanks for the script!

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haimari commented Oct 31, 2016

You also need to add '/'

sourcepath = os.path.join(sourceDir + '/' + filename)

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Won't do it recursively for sub-directories

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While syncing directory to aws server by using this code only one file is uploading where as this directory is contains 3 files. Please help me to solve this problem.

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jckail commented May 27, 2017

Thanks Man!

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This code is amazing! Thank you @SavvyGuard !

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ghost commented Jun 8, 2021

bucket = conn.create_bucket(bucket_name, location='')

S3ResponseError: S3ResponseError: 403 Forbidden

InvalidAccessKeyIdThe AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.NOCC4UFL6U659XNJHGFME3M762MSK2KPQJMElWA0cWuCCEAOw9ObIyTn8GGe1ErsEdJeTw8aHfPX5T09QSDYT3jElLqAsGv/LPcIJhH+5ncuBdU=

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