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Saya47 / Hyper-V GPU-PV with Linux
Created November 9, 2024 16:14 — forked from krzys-h/Hyper-V GPU-PV with Linux
Ubuntu 21.04 VM with GPU acceleration under Hyper-V...?

Ubuntu 21.04 VM with GPU acceleration under Hyper-V...?

Modern versions of Windows support GPU paravirtualization in Hyper-V with normal consumer graphics cards. This is used e.g. for graphics acceleration in Windows Sandbox, as well as WSLg. In some cases, it may be useful to create a normal VM with GPU acceleration using this feature, but this is not officially supported. People already figured out how to do it with Windows guests though, so why not do the same with Linux? It should be easy given that WSLg is open source and reasonably well documented, right?

Well... not quite. I managed to get it to run... but not well.

How to do it?

  1. Verify driver support
Saya47 / Hyper-V in Windows 10 and Windows 11 Home
Created September 15, 2024 20:10 — forked from HimDek/Hyper-V in Windows 10 and Windows 11 Home
Hyper-V is supported in Pro, Enterprise and Education Edition of Windows 10 and Windows 11. This guide will show you how to enable Hyper-V in Home Editions of Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Hyper-V in Windows 10 and Windows 11 Home Edition

Hyper-V in Windows 10 and Windows 11 allows running Virtual Machine. It is supported only in Pro, Enterprise and Education Edition of Windows 10 and Windows 11 by default. But this guide will show you how to enable it in Home Editions of Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Check if virtualization is enabled:

  • Search for Command Prompt in Windows Start Menu and open it.
  • Type systeminfo and press Enter. Wait for the process to finish
  • Once the results appear, search for the Hyper-V Requirements section which is usually the last one. 11
    • If it says A hypervisor has been detected. Features required for Hyper-V will not be displayed. that means Hyper-V is already enabled and there is no reason following this guide anymore.
  • Otherwise, check for Virtualization Enabled in Firmware:.
Saya47 /
Created September 4, 2024 10:46 — forked from heardk/
Convert notes from OneNote into Markdown

Converting One Note to Markdown

This is an example of how to convert notes from OneNote into Markdown to use in other, less annoying Note applications. I am using PowerShell on Windows here, but other shell/scripting environments would work as well. If you want separate .md files, you'll need to export your OneNote pages separately. Exporting a section, or a selection of pages creates a single .docx file.

  • Download and install Pandoc
  • Export each of your note pages to a .docx (Word) format using OneNote export from the File menu
  • Gather all of these .docx files into a directory
  • Open directory in File Explorer
  • Open Powershell from the File Explorer using File -> Open Windows Powersell
  • Run the following command:
Saya47 /
Created August 30, 2024 19:09 — forked from kuanghan/
Install NVIDIA driver & CUDA inside an LXC container running Ubuntu 16.04

Installing NVIDIA Driver & CUDA inside an LXC container running Ubuntu 16.04 on a neuroscience computing server.

Introduction: I was trying to run some neuroscience image processing commands that uses NVIDIA GPU. The challenge is that most of our computation will be run inside an LXC container running Ubuntu 16.04 (the host runs Ubuntu 16.04 as well). Installing the NVIDIA driver on the host is not so hard, but doing it inside the LXC container is much more challenging.

I already have an unprivileged container running, so I will not repeat the steps to create an LXC container here.

Our graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti.

Here are the main steps:

Saya47 /
Created July 17, 2024 10:19 — forked from b1naryth1ef/
PeeWee Postgres Enum Field
from peewee import *
class BModel(Model):
class Meta:
database = db
def create_table(cls, *args, **kwargs):
for field in cls._meta.get_fields():
if hasattr(field, "pre_field_create"):
Saya47 /
Created April 23, 2024 12:46 — forked from andreyvit/
tmux cheatsheet

tmux cheat sheet

(C-x means ctrl+x, M-x means alt+x)

Prefix key

The default prefix is C-b. If you (or your muscle memory) prefer C-a, you need to add this to ~/.tmux.conf:

remap prefix to Control + a

REM Delete eval folder with licence key and options.xml which contains a reference to it
for %%I in ("WebStorm", "IntelliJ", "CLion", "Rider", "GoLand", "PhpStorm", "Resharper", "PyCharm") do (
for /d %%a in ("%USERPROFILE%\.%%I*") do (
rd /s /q "%%a/config/eval"
del /q "%%a\config\options\other.xml"
REM Delete registry key and jetbrains folder (not sure if needet but however)
rmdir /s /q "%APPDATA%\JetBrains"
Saya47 / promiseAll.js
Created April 17, 2024 18:44 — forked from priteshjha4u/promiseAll.js
Promise.all implementation in vanilla JavaScript
function promiseAll() {
if (!arguments.length) {
return Promise.resolve(null);
var args = arguments;
if (args.length === 1 && Array.isArray(args[0])) {
args = args[0];
var count = 1;
var total = args.length;
Saya47 / test_dll.c
Created April 13, 2024 21:37 — forked from Homer28/test_dll.c
DLL code for testing CVE-2024-21378 in MS Outlook
* This DLL is designed for use in conjunction with the Ruler tool for
* security testing related to the CVE-2024-21378 vulnerability,
* specifically targeting MS Outlook.
* It can be used with the following command line syntax:
* ruler [auth-params] form add-com [attack-params] --dll ./test.dll
* Ruler repository: (com-forms branch).
* After being loaded into MS Outlook, it sends the PC's hostname and
Saya47 / config.json
Created April 13, 2024 19:21 — forked from usshen/config.json
v2ray; socks outbound; netflix outbound
"log": {
"access": "/var/log/v2ray/access.log",
"error": "/var/log/v2ray/error.log",
"loglevel": "warn"
"inbounds": [
"port": 443,
"tag": "itor",