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Last active August 5, 2019 14:41
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Description of BSPAKE that glosses over a few details
For an explicit description with all optional features and implementation ways
explicitly pointed out see:
Both have:
G = generator
idS = server identity
Client has:
idC = client identity
Server has these for "idC":
BlindC = hashToPoint(clientBlind)
BlindS = hashToPoint(serverBlind)
V = v * G
C: r = random()
C: R = r * hashToPoint(H(password, idC, idS))
C->S: idC, R
S: b = random()
S: B = b * G + BlindS
S: R' = H(salt) * R
C<-S: B, R', settings
C: BlindSalt = (1/r) * R'
C: clientBlind || serverBlind || k3 || v
= pwKdf(password, BlindSalt, idC, idS, settings)
C: a = random()
C: A = a * G + hashToPoint(clientBlind)
C: B' = B - hashToPoint(serverBlind)
C: K_c = H(idC, idS, A, B, a * B', k3, v * B')
C: verifierC = H(K_c, verifyCModifier)
C->S: A, verifierC[, encryptedDataC]
S: A' = A - BlindC
S: K_s = H(idC, idS, A, B, b * A', k3, b * V)
S: Checks verifierC == H(K_s, verifyCModifier)
S: verifierS = H(K_s, verifySModifier)
C<-S: verifierS[, encryptedDataS]
C: Checks verifierS == H(K_c, verifySModifier)
On success K_c == K_s, thus derived verifiers and encryption keys are the same.
When receiving a point, you must check it is valid and not a low order point.
After blinding and unblinding, check the point is not the point at infinity.
When using H() or random() to generate a scalar, you should generate a larger
value and modulo by one less than the order then add 1. This makes sure it is
uniformly distributed and not zero. Similar should be done for H() when
generating fields to avoid bad values.
Note "H(salt) * R" vs "salt * R", this is so you don't need to store a large
salt. A salt of just 128 to 256 bits is fine once expanded to the required
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