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Last active September 21, 2024 21:22
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SRP6b is an augmented PAKE
SRP is deprecated.
Use BS-SPEKE defined on multiplicative groups:
Or better BS-SPEKE defined on ECC:
SRP6b is SRP6a with blind salt (OPRF) which is arguably better than OPAQUE.
Consider using BS-SPEKE or (strong) AuCPace instead of this. As those have
quantum annoyance.
Costs per step
C: E EE^^^**
S: ^^* ^^*
E: Full size exponential
^: Exponential
*: Multiplication
Forward secrecy: Yes
Not fragile: Yes
Quantum annoying: No
No pre-computation: Yes
Both have:
idS = server identity
N = safe prime
g = generator
k = H(N, g)
Client has:
idC = client identity
Server has these for "idC":
v = g ^ pwKdf(password, BlindSalt, idC, idS, settings) (mod N)
C: r = randomRange(1, (N-3)/2)
C: R = H(password, idC, idS) ^ (2 * r) (mod N)
C->S: idC, R
S: b = random()
S: B = g ^ b + k * v (mod N)
S: R' = R ^ H(salt) (mod N)
C<-S: B, R', settings
C: 1/r = r ^ ((N-5)/2) (mod (N-1)/2)
C: BlindSalt = R' ^ (1/r) (mod N)
C: x = pwKdf(password, BlindSalt, idC, idS, settings)
C: a = random()
C: A = g ^ a (mod N)
C: u = H(A, B)
C: K_c = H((B - k * g ^ x) ^ (a + u * x) (mod N))
C: verifierC = H(K_c, verifyCModifier)
C->S: A, verifierC[, encryptedDataC]
S: u = H(A, B)
S: K_s = H((A * v ^ u) ^ b (mod N))
S: Checks verifierC == H(K_s, verifyCModifier)
S: verifierS = H(K_s, verifySModifier)
C<-S: verifierS[, encryptedDataS]
C: Checks verifierS == H(K_c, verifySModifier)
On success K_c == K_s, thus derived verifiers and encryption keys are the same.
Do all the same checks for SRP6a.
Note "R ^ H(salt) (mod N)" vs "R ^ salt (mod N)", this is so you don't need to
store a large salt. A salt of just 128 to 256 bits is fine once expanded to the
required length.
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