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Schmoozerd / gist:5256864
Last active December 15, 2015 11:59
Merge Helper
# Simple helper script to help merging branches & pull requests
#internal use
Schmoozerd / gist:5256855
Last active December 15, 2015 11:59
Topic Branch helper tool
## Dialogue helper to create a "topic-branch" for cmangos
# Steps in interactive dialog:
# 1) Get name of contribution (ie LFG)
# 2) Get type of contribution (feature, fix, rewrite, cleanup)
# 3) Get short description of contribution
# 4) Get place where the topic should be published (own repo --> address)
# 5) Check current state of worktree: dirty/clean;
# if dirty ask if changes should be taken into new topic
Schmoozerd / gist:5223059
Last active December 15, 2015 07:19
Installer script for UDB full (updated for milestone support + acid install)
# Simple helper script to insert clean UDB
#internal use
Schmoozerd / gist:5223011
Last active December 15, 2015 07:19
Bootstrap script to install cmangos
# Copyright (C) 2012 CMaNGOS project
# This script will help to create directories and download the required content for CMaNGOS installation
# It is designed to be used with beginners and help automate installation
# Some variables that will be asked by the script