[shift + N] = 'Recalculate normals' => recalculate all surface normals back to what they originally were as if normals had never been affected
[tab] = Switch between editing contexts => Use this to alternate between 'object mode' (manipulating whole objects in a scene) and 'edit mode' (manipulating the specifics of an object's geometry in a scene [t] = Toggle the display of the 'tools' side menu within the viewport (default top LHS). This menu contains tools such as the 'select' tool, 'move' tool etc [n] = Toggle display of right-hand menu which contains a heavily condensed properties editor for items, tools and view, leaving only the bare essentials
[shift + MMB] = Pan scene => Pan around scene
N.B: this will offset your camera centre. If you wish to reset it to the cursor (so maybe at the origin if that is where the cursor is) you need to go to 'view > Align view > Center view to Cursor'. It is possible to hotkey this command by using 'Blender Preferences'
[shift + s] = Cursor/selection re-orientation menu => This hotkey combination allows a mouse-drag menu which allows selection of different options such as: 'selection to cursor (keep offset)' or 'cursor to selected' which will reorient your cursor to the geometrical center of your current selection
[shift + Z] = Toggle between wireframe and textured views
[fn + left arrow key] = Reset view => Zoom back out to standard distance and re-orient to orbit centre of world origin
N.B: fn + left arrow key
is the Mac equivalent to home
on full keyboards
[shift + A] = Create mesh => Create a mesh, choosing from preset primitives.
**N.B: if you do not do this in the 'Object mode' context without anything selected the new mesh will be considered part of the existing object (for instance if you do it in edit mode). This will mean if you hit 'a' (see "//Selection") you will select both meshes by default
[e] = Extrude => Extrude selection (edit mode only). Works with vertices, edges and faces
[cmd + r] = Insert Edgeloop => Will insert an edgeloop where possible between 2 contiguous edges within a mesh. I believe this will only work if there is a faceloop to follow also
[f] = Fill => Fill in parts of a geometry selection (edit mode) where there are gaps that can be bridged.
N.B: This works for edges AND vertices, as such it can be used to connect disconnected vertices
[mesh > Clean up > Merge by distance
] Merge vertices within a certain radius of each other => distance is a variable you can affect- this is a tool to help you remove non-manifold geometry from your mesh
[i] = inset face => create a face within a current face selection which is a smaller 'inset face' (there's no way around it) with connecting geometry on each corner out to the orignal
[o] = Proportional editing => Edit an object with a field of influence around the selected geometry. When editing change the field of influence's radius with scroll up or scroll down. Note the proportional editing modes, which can be found in the '3D modelling header'. For more info and an image of the icon for changing modes, see: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/scene_layout/object/editing/transform/control/proportional_edit.html?highlight=proportional%20editing#options
[p] = Disconnect selection => take current edit mode selection, remove it from the current object and form a new object with it.
[a] = Select everything => In 'edit mode' this will select all geometry of the current object being edited. In 'Object mode' this will select all objects.
[alt + a] = Select nothing => inverse of 'select' everything
[alt + LMB] = Select a 'loop' => Select a loop of whatever the current selection mode is (if there is one to be selected). If it is in 'edge mode' then it will try and select an edge loop, if it is in 'face mode' it will try and select a face loop. 'vertices mode' can also be used but more or less has the same function as 'edge mode'
[l] = Select 'island'/linked faces
[Select > Select by trait > [option]
] = Select vertices/edges by geometrical property => Can be used to identify things such as internal faces, non-manifold edges or other undesirable goemetries within a mesh
['sync tool'] = Hold current selected entities of the 3D modelling viewport within the UV editor without maintained selection being required in the 3D viewport => This allows you to select UV geometry in the UV editor and have it show up on the 3D model in the modelling viewport!
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxMwa0njGSM] : Before pressing 'apply' on any modifier for an object being modelled, duplicate the object and send it to the very last layer or the 'trash' layer. Treat the very last layer as a 'trash bin' for all previously un-modified models (modified as in 'with modifiers')
[https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/9041/scaling-a-mirrored-object] : To stop an object with an unapplied mirror modifier from separating from it's mirror plane when scaling, set the 'clipping' option on in the modifier options menu