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ScottG489 /
Last active July 14, 2023 14:16
Home Assistant Supervisor installed in a Sysbox container

Prerequisite: You must have Sysbox installed on the host.

  1. Build the Dockerfile (follow it's instructions at the top)

  2. Run: docker run --rm -it --runtime sysbox-runc -p 8123:8123 --ulimit rtprio=-1:-1 --name ha hasys bash

  3. Run this after above has started: docker exec -it ha ./

backouter () {
if [ $# -ne 1 ]
echo Backout a merge by closing branch of undesired merge then updating to parent of undesired merge and continuing branch from there.
echo usage: backouter BAD_MERGE_PARENT
hg pull -u && _REV_PARENT=$1
_BRANCH=$(hg log -r $_REV_PARENT --template '{branch}')
// Kinda pseudo code/java
class Person {
Person(int personID) {
database = Database()
name = database.getName(personID)
address = database.getAddr(personID)
phone = database.getPhone(personID)