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Last active December 15, 2015 21:18
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20130405_printing out a times table
def times_table(rows)
first_row = []
int = 5
1.upto(5) do |i|
#I'm not sure from the instructions below if the integer is known/given or if I have to determine it?
#Is the integer 5 or 500?
#I have a feeling I'm going to need multiple (2?) loops, one nested in the other
#if integer == 0 print out an empty table
#if integer == 1 print out "1"
#the next possible integer is 2..x (infinity),
#if integer == 2, the first row would be all 1's (1 1) and the second row 2, (2 *= 2)
#if it was "2" the tabel would look like:
#1 1
#2 2
#I know the first possible integer is 2, from that point, it could be anything else
#should I just assume for the sake of this exercise that the integer is 5 OR,
#can I determine what the integer is?
# This is a crazy regular expression which matches the output
# of the 5x5 times table in a way that doesn't care how you
# separate columns, so long as they're separated by whitespace
REGEX_FIVE = /1[ \t]+2[ \t]+3[ \t]+4[ \t]+5\s*\n2[ \t]+4[ \t]+6[ \t]+8[ \t]+10\s*\n3[ \t]+6[ \t]+9[ \t]+12[ \t]+15\s*\n4[ \t]+8[ \t]+12[ \t]+16[ \t]+20\s*\n5[ \t]+10[ \t]+15[ \t]+20[ \t]+25\s*$/m
describe 'times_table' do
before(:each) do
@output =
$stdout = @output
it "prints nothing when called with 0" do
@output.rewind be_empty
it "correctly prints a 1x1 times table" do
@output.rewind =~ /1\s*$/
it "correctly prints a 5x5 times table" do
@output.rewind =~ REGEX_FIVE
after(:each) do
$stdout = STDOUT
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ScottGo commented Apr 6, 2013

Implement a method called times_table which takes as its input an integer and prints out a times table with that number of rows.

The numbers can be separated by any spaces or tabs, but each row must be on a new line. This means it's ok if the columns don't line up.

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