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Created July 3, 2014 07:23
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Save ScottGuymer/9994dae637bb2055d58b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Angular interceptor to reformat ISO 8601 strings into Javascript date objects
.config(['$httpProvider', function ($httpProvider) {
var regexIso8601 = /^(\d{4}|\+\d{6})(?:-(\d{2})(?:-(\d{2})(?:T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\.(\d{1,})(Z|([\-+])(\d{2}):(\d{2}))?)?)?)?$/;
// function to parse through response json and replace ISO8601 date strings with date objects
var convertDateStringsToDates = function(input) {
// Ignore things that aren't objects.
if (typeof input !== "object") return input;
for (var key in input) {
if (!input.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
var value = input[key];
var match;
// Check for string properties which look like dates.
if (typeof value === "string" && (match = value.match(regexIso8601))) {
var milliseconds = Date.parse(match[0])
if (!isNaN(milliseconds)) {
input[key] = new Date(milliseconds);
} else if (typeof value === "object") {
// Recurse into object
// push the transform into the transform array
return responseData;
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Beware that this regex doesn't match all ISO8601 date strings. We've switched to using the regex from over here

^([\+-]?\d{4}(?!\d{2}\b))((-?)((0[1-9]|1[0-2])(\3([12]\d|0[1-9]|3[01]))?|W([0-4]\d|5[0-2])(-?[1-7])?|(00[1-9]|0[1-9]\d|[12]\d{2}|3([0-5]\d|6[1-6])))([T\s]((([01]\d|2[0-3])((:?)[0-5]\d)?|24\:?00)([\.,]\d+(?!:))?)?(\17[0-5]\d([\.,]\d+)?)?([zZ]|([\+-])([01]\d|2[0-3]):?([0-5]\d)?)?)?)?$ - See more at:

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