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SplitCommaDelimitedLineWithQuotedValues function
' hutch: 10/04/18. Added this function to enable an import file to contain a DX file path that includes commas.
Public Shared Function SplitCommaDelimitedLineWithQuotedValues(ByVal value As String, ByVal delimiter As Char) As String()
' Split using comma as the delimiter, but ignoring commas inside single quotes (')
Dim values = Regex.Split(value, ",(?!(?=[^']*'[^']*(?:'[^']*'[^']*)*$))")
' Trim spaces and single quotes from each item in values.
Dim ret = values.Select(Function(x) x.Trim(New Char() {" "c, "'"c})).ToArray()
Return ret
End Function
' Example call: Dim token As String() = SplitCommaDelimitedLineWithQuotedValues(line, ","c) 'token may start with space
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