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Last active January 22, 2024 11:11
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  • Save ScottJWalter/a6d248acaf54d0d53115d7e0ddb1f6d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ScottJWalter/a6d248acaf54d0d53115d7e0ddb1f6d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Resets an obsidian installation on Windows to not auto-launch any vault, taking you to vault selection. #obsidian #windows
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem This script assumes that it's running in the obsidian configuration
rem directory, which is usually at
rem %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\obsidian
rem Where %USERPROFILE% is your user name
rem It also requires that 'jq' be installed on the system. Get it here:
rem This script extracts a list of keys (the vault IDs), then loops through
rem them, resetting each JSON object.
cd %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\obsidian
set lf=-
for /f "delims=" %%v in ('type obsidian.json ^| jq -n "input[] | keys[]"') do (
rem because each vault can have its own "open" property, and because you can't
rem "batch change" multiple keys in different subtrees in the JSON with jq,
rem we need to do this one vault at a time.
type obsidian.json | jq ".vaults[\"%%v\"].open = false" >
del obsidian.json
ren obsidian.json
rem At this point, you would run obsidian to bring up the vault selector
rem use 'start' to launch obsidian and close this batch window (if you set the
rem shortcut to run minimized, you won't even see it.
rem Also, you're path may vary (remember to replace <USER> with your user name.
rem And yes, the .EXE and .JSON are stored in separate folders.
start %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Obsidian\Obsidian.exe
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Updated to use %USERPROFILE%, so (assuming a default Windows install), you shouldn't need to modify any file paths. This should be a drag-drop-use script.

To slip this into your flow, edit the Obsidian shortcut on your desktop to launch this batch file instead. It'll kill the auto-opens and fire obsidian, taking you to the vault selector.

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