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Last active April 23, 2016 19:57
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"use strict";
const vm = require("vm");
const util = require("util");
const Constants = require("../constants");
let helpText = `you can evaluate **JS code and expressions** with \`!eval\`!
:information_source: Just use \`!eval <code>\`.
:arrow_right: \`<code>\` is any kind of code block (text surrounded by \\\`\\\`\\\` or \\\`\\\`). You can also specify syntax highlighting (for \`js\`) - it will not be evaluated.
module.exports = function(Bot) {
let publics = { base, unsafe };
function getCode(content) {
// Get code from between single or triple backticks, with an optional language of `js`
// Then remove all empty items so the final match is at the end of the array
let code = (content.match(/(```(?:js)?([\s\S]*?)```|`(.+?)`)/) || []).filter(Boolean);
code = code.pop() || null;
return code ? code.trim() : null;
function prepareEval(unsafe) {
let code = getCode(this.content);
if (!code) {
return Bot.reply(this, helpText);
}, code, unsafe).then(output => {
if (output.length > 1500) {
return Bot.reply(this, `:no_entry_sign: Output over 1500 bytes (it's ${ output.length } bytes), not printing.`);
Bot.reply(this, `:white_check_mark: Success! ${ output }`);
}).catch(err => {
Bot.reply(this, `:warning: Failed!\n${ err }`);
function doEval(code, unsafe, retry) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Did the current call fail to fix itself, or is the code empty?
if (!code.length) {
return reject("this code doesn't appear to do anything...");
try {
let finalOutput = ["\n"];
let sandbox = {};
let output = [];
let evalled = false;
// General-purpose logger
function gpLog() {
let vals = Object.keys(this).map(k => JSON.stringify(this[k], null, " "));
output.push.apply(output, vals);
// Internal, non-enumerable sandbox objects
Object.defineProperty(sandbox, "console", {
get: () => ({
error: function() {; },
info: function() {; },
log: function() {; },
warn: function() {; }
// Run code in strict mode
if (unsafe) {
sandbox = eval(`"use strict"; ${ code }`);
else {
vm.runInNewContext(`"use strict"; ${ code }`, sandbox, {
filename: "repl.js",
timeout: 2000
if (Object.keys(sandbox).length) {
let out = util.inspect(sandbox, { depth: null });
// Just show the value of "__expr" if it's the only one there
if (retry && Object.keys(sandbox).length === 1) {
out = util.inspect(sandbox.__expr, { depth: null });
// If there's something to print
if (out.length) {
finalOutput.push(":zap: **Evaluated:**\n```\n" + out + "\n```");
evalled = true;
if (output.length) {
let p = output.join(" ");
finalOutput.push(":notepad_spiral: **Logged:**\n```\n" + p + "\n```");
// If the expression did not evaluate, try again as an expression
if (!retry && !evalled) {
doEval("var __expr = eval(`" + code.replace(/`/g, "\\`") + "`);", unsafe, true)
else {
return resolve(finalOutput.join("\n"));
catch(ex) {
return reject(`:red_circle: ${ ex }`);
function base(args) {, false);
function unsafe(args) {, true);
unsafe.restrictTo = [Constants.WRANGLER, "MORE_IDS"];
return publics;
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