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Last active October 16, 2024 01:05
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Tinkers' Construct Material Stats and Traits

Tinker's Construct Materials

Material Stats

Material Head Durability Extra Durability Handle Durability Handle Modifer Mining Level Mining Speed Attack Value Head Traits Extra/Handle Traits Drawspeed Range Multiplier Bonus Damage Arrow Shaft Modifier Bonus Ammo
Paper 12.00 15.00 5.00 0.10 Stone 0.51 0.05 Writable Writable 0.67 0.40 -2.00
Constantan 25.00 6 6 0.80 Diamond 4.70 4.00 Thermal Inversion Thermal Inversion 1.82 1.50 5.00
Treated Wood 25.00 2 35.00 1.00 Stone 2.00 2.00 Ecological Ecological 1.00 1.12 1.20
Wood 35.00 15.00 25.00 1.00 Stone 2.00 2.00 Ecological Ecological 1.00 1.00 1.00
Electrum 5 25 -25.00 1.10 Iron 12.00 3.00 Shocking Shocking 0.67 1.00 4.00
Stone 12 2 -5 0.50 Iron 4.00 3.00 Cheapskate Cheap 5.00 0.40 -1.00
Obsidian 139.00 9 -10 0.90 Cobalt 7.07 4.20 Duritae Duritae 5.00 0.40 -1.00
Flint 15 4 -6 0.60 Iron 5.00 2.90 Crude II Crude 5.00 0.40 -1.00
Bone 20 65.00 5 1.10 Iron 5.09 2.50 Splintering Fractured 1.05 1.15 0.90 5.00
Iron 204.00 5 6 0.85 Diamond 6.00 4.00 Magnetic II Magnetic 2.00 1.50 7.00
Copper 21 10 3 1.05 Iron 5.30 3.00 Well-Established Well-Established 1.67 1.45 5.00
Cactus 21 5 2 0.85 Iron 4.00 3.40 Prickly Spiky 0.95 0.90
Silver 25 15 5 0.95 Iron 5.00 5.00 Holy Holy 0.83 0.80 2.00
Netherrack 27 75.00 -15 0.85 Iron 4.50 3.00 Aridiculous Hellish 5.00 0.40 -1.00
Lead 334.00 10 -5 0.70 Iron 5.25 3.50 Poisonous Poisonous 2.50 1.30 3.00
Pig Iron 38 17 -10 1.20 Obsidian 6.20 4.50 Baconlicious, Tasty Tasty 1.67 1.40 7.00
End 42 42.00 0.85 Obsidian 3.23 3.23 Alien Enderference 5.00 0.40 -1.00
Bronze 43 8 7 1.10 Diamond 6.80 3.50 Dense Dense 1.82 1.50 6.00
Prismarine 43 10 -15 0.60 Iron 5.50 6.00 Jagged Aquadynamic 5.00 0.40 -1.00
Steel 54 25.00 15 0.90 Obsidian 7.00 6.00 Sharp Stiff 2.50 2.00 9.00
Firewood 55 15 -20 1.00 Stone 6.00 5.50 Autosmelt Autosmelt 1.00 1.00
Magma Slime 60 15 -20 0.85 Stone 2.10 7.00 Superheat Flammable 0.91 1.05 1.00
Cobalt 78 30 10 0.90 Cobalt 12.00 4.10 Momentum Lightweight 1.33 1.30 3.00
Blue Slime 78 20 -5 1.30 Stone 4.03 1.80 Slimy Slimy 0.95 1.00
Manyullyn 82 5 25 0.50 Cobalt 7.02 8.72 Insatiable Cold-Blooded 1.54 1.20 4.00
Knightslime 85 125.00 50 0.50 Obsidian 5.80 5.10 Crumbling Unnatural 2.50 2.00 2.00
Ardite 99 45 -20 1.40 Cobalt 3.50 3.60 Stonebound Petramor 2.22 0.80 1.00
Slime 1.00 35 0.70 Stone 4.24 1.80 Slimy Slimy 1.18 1.30
Sponge 1,05 25 25 1.20 Stone 3.02 Squeaky Squeaky 0.87 0.75

Material Traits

  • Alien: Gain random amounts of durability, speed, and damage over time. See note for details. 1
  • Aquadynamic: Operates at normal speed underwater and operates faster when raining.
  • Aridiculous: Mining speed increases based on biome temperature.
  • Autosmelt: If the broken block is smeltable, it will drop that item (logs drop charcoal).
  • Beheading: Much higher chance of mobs dropping a head.
  • Cheap: 10% bonus durability when repairing.
  • Cold-blooded: Adds 50% additional damage if target has full health.
  • Crude: 10% bonus damage to armored enemies.
  • Dense: Chance to use less durability. Increased chance as the tool gets more damaged.
  • Duritae: 10% chance to use double durability, 40% chance to use no durability.
  • Ecological: 1% chance every second to restore 1 durability. 1% chance on use to deal armor-piercing damage to the wearer.
  • Enderference: Prevent an enderman from teleporting for 5 seconds after hitting it.
  • Fractured: Bonus 1.5 damage.
  • Flammable: Sets attackers on fire while blocking.
  • Hellish: Adds +2 damage (1 heart) against non-nether enities.
  • Insatiable: Using the tool adds a level of insatiable for 15 seconds, limited to 10 levels. Increases speed and damage by (level / 3).
  • Jagged: Gains bonus damage when tool is damaged. The more damaged it is (difference, not percentage), the more damage it deals. SAee note for details. 2
  • Lightweight: Bonus 10% mining speed, attack speed, bow draw speed.
  • Magnetic: Pulls in items from ~2 blocks away when used.
  • Momentum: When tool is used, increases tool's mining speed up to 40%. Momentum is lost when tool stops being used.
  • Petramor: 10% chance to consume mined stone-type blocks to restore 5 durability.
  • Poisonous: Applies poison for 5 seconds on damage.
  • Prickly: Deals armor-piercing damage to enemies hit and to player when mining.
  • Sharp: Applies bleeding for 6 seconds.
  • Shocking: Builds electric charge as you move. Deals 5 bonus damage (2.5 hearts) when fully charged.
  • Slimy: 0.3% chance to summon a small slime corresponding to the color of the tool part. (Tools made of both blue and green slime have separate chances to spawn blue and green slimes.)
  • Stiff: When blocking, reduce damage by 1 damage (0.5 hearts). Will not reduce damage to below 1.
  • Superheat: 35% bonus damage to burning enemies.
  • Spiky: Enemies that touch you while blocking take damage.
  • Splintering: Attacks apply a level of "Splintering", up to 5 levels. Deal +0.3 bonus damage per level of Splintering.
  • Squeaky: Tool has silk touch but doesn't do damage.
  • Stonebound: Mines faster and deals less damage as durability lowers.
  • Tasty: If player has less than half hunger, 0.2% chance each tick to "consume" your tool, removing 100 durability and restoring 1 bar of hunger. When breaking blocks, 0.5% chance to get bacon. When killing mobs, 5% chance to get bacon.
  • Thermal Inversion: Applies slowness in hot biomes, or burning in cold biomes.
  • Unnatural: 36% bonus mining speed for every harvest level tool has above block you are breaking.
  • Well-Established: 25% bonus experience. 3% chance for 1 XP from blocks that normally give none.
  • Writable: Bonus 1 modifier. If the whole tool is made of paper, you gain 2 modifiers.

Immersive Engineering traits

  • Thermal Inversion: Applies slowness in hot biomes, or burning in cold biomes.

LightningCraft traits

  • Auto-Repair
  • Charged: Has a chance to cast a lightning strike on an attacked entity.

ExtraUtils2 traits

  • Whispering: Whispers secrets to you.
  • Magically Modifiable: Adds 3 Modifiers
  • Magically Brittle: Adds a chance for the tool to break upon durability lost. (Either 1/100 or 1/(Max Durability*Max Durability, which ever is lower)

Twilight Forest traits

  • Stalwart: Hitting an enemy gives a chance to gain resistance. This effect stacks for higher resistance levels from I to III. Or 20% to 60% damage reduction. The effect increases up to 30 seconds.
  • Twilit: +2 mining speed in the twilight forest. +2 damage (or one heart) outside the twilight forest.
  • Synergy: Having steel-leaf in your hotbar automatically repairs your tool.


  1. Randomly distribute 800 points between durability, speed, and damage. Each point adds 1 durability, 0.007 speed, or 0.005 attack. Maximum possible bonus for each stat is 800 durability, 5.6 speed, 4 attack. It takes about 50 minutes for all bonus stats to be applied.

  2. If two weapons have 10 uses remaining, the one with higher max durability will gain a higher bonus. Examples: 10/500 = 1.7 bonus damage. and 10/1000 = 2.3 bonus damage

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What about holy?

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See "Silver" above.

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Also, keep in mind this table is ancient. I'm sure it is outdated by now.

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is there a command to dump a list of all stats for tinkers like there is for silent gear?

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I don't know, but you can ask here

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This seems to be missing the description for Crumbling?

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See the second comment on June 13, above.

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what about apocalypse?

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@SnakenAwaken Please see the comment directly above yours.

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