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Forked from mrkmg/extractIcoFromExe.php
Created January 21, 2013 07:49
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// Code snippet to extract the icon from an exe file on a Linux system -- tested on Debian Wheezy
// Install icoutils on your system e.g. sudo apt-get install icoutils
// Web process must have write privileges to /tmp
///** Config **///
$input_file = '/path/to/program.exe';
$dest_file = '/path/to/image.png';
$dest_size = 64; // Will get the best quality icon at or below this size.
///** End Config **///
$temp_dir_base = '/tmp/iconextract/';
$tmp_offset = 0;
while(file_exists($temp_dir_base.$tmp_offset.'/')){ //Ensure working directory is empty
$tmp_offset += 1;
$tmp_dir = $temp_dir_base.$tmp_offset.'/';
mkdir($tmp_dir,0777,true); //Create a temporary folder to work in
exec('wrestool -x '.str_replace(' ','\\',$input_file).' -o '.$tmp_dir); //Extract ico files
$icon_files = glob($tmp_dir.'*.ico'); //Find all ico files
$max = 0;
$file = 0;
$index = 0;
foreach($icon_files as $file_offset=>$ico){ //loop each match
exec('icotool -l '.$ico.' --icon',$list); //get each icon inside the file
foreach($list as $i){ //Loop through each icon
preg_match_all('/--index=(?P<index>\d+) --width=(?P<width>\d+) --height=(?P<height>\d+)/',$i,$a);
if($a['width'][0] > $max and $a['width'][0] <= $dest_size){
$max = $a['width'][0];
$index = $a['index'][0];
$file = $file_offset;
if($max > 0){ //If we found one, extract it to the destination
exec('icotool -x '.$icon_files[$file].' -i '.$index.' -o '.str_replace(' ','\\',$dest_file));
exec('rm '.$tmp_dir.' -r'); //Clean out tmp files
$error = "Could not find a sutiable icon file";
throw new Exception($error);
exec('rm /tmp/iconextract -r'); //Clean out tmp files
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