This is how to set up and use OpenZeppelin's Payment Splitter.
Make a folder / repo.
Add forge.
forge init --no-commit
Install OpenZeppelin via forge.
forge install @openzeppelin/[email protected]
Obtain the payee addresses and decide on the ratio for the payment splitter. The ratio must be in whole numbers. For example, if you want to split payments at 1.5% and 3.5%, you can use the ratio 3 : 7.
Deploy the contract.
forge create -i --rpc-url lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/finance/PaymentSplitter.sol:PaymentSplitter \
--constructor-args "[0xe8db071f698aBA1d60babaE8e08F5cBc28782108,0xE450ae2D6E1E6c09a0c2e355554Df9EE904B90eA]" "[3, 7]"
When you need payments split, use the deployed contract address as the payment/fee receiver.
For royalties collected by Sequence's ERC-721/1155, this is done using the setDefaultRoyalty(address receiver, uint96 feeNumerator)
cast send -i <token_addr> "setDefaultRoyalty(address,uint96)" <splitter_addr> <fee_numerator>
For other integrations, like OpenSea, you may have to use the provided interface.
The payment splitter works on a "pull" mechanism. Payments made to the splitter are held by the splitter contract until the receiver is ready to pull the payment.
The receiver can pull the payment using the release
function. Anyone can call this function to pull payments for the receiver.
cast send -i <splitter_addr> "release(address)" <receiver_addr>
Payments made in ERC-20 tokens use a similar function.
cast send -i <splitter_addr> "release(address,address)" <token_addr> <receiver_addr>