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Last active June 20, 2020 02:56
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* Update1: The solution didn't handle cases when a node covers its neighbours too
* Update2: Tested with randomly generated test cases ~10K
* Update3: Add an optimization to limit the max strength to range from -W to W, where W is the tree width
* This solution is written for explanation/educational purposes
* and its intended to not follow coding guidelines or best practices
* as the main intention is to explain the thinking strategy in a way
* that's a little bit better than writing pseudo-code and to allow
* student(s) to test and add debugging messages in every step.
using namespace std;
int N, W;
vector<int> G[1001]; // Tree structure
bool vis[1001][2]; // Visited array to mark visits as tree edges are bidirectional, to avoid inf loops
int mem[1500][1500]; // Holds minimum cost of covering subtree i, given that current strength = X+N (We use N here as strength could be negative)
int h[1500], f[1500]; // Holds tree height and max width for subtree i
/* Calculate height of tree */
int height(int i) {
if (h[i] != -1) return h[i];
vis[i][0] = true;
int res = 0;
for (int a = 0; a < G[i].size(); a++) {
if (vis[G[i][a]][0]) continue;
res = max(res, height(G[i][a])+1);
vis[i][0] = false;
return (h[i] = res);
/* Calculate furthest 2 nodes, width of the tree */
int furthest(int i) {
if (f[i] != -1) return f[i];
vector<int> children;
vis[i][1] = true;
int res = height(i);
for (int a = 0; a < G[i].size(); a++) {
if (vis[G[i][a]][1]) continue;
res = max(res, furthest(G[i][a]));
sort(children.rbegin(), children.rend());
if (children.size() >= 2) {
res = max(res, children[0]+children[1]+2);
vis[i][1] = false;
return (f[i] = res);
/* Cost functio, You can use lambda here, didn't want to complicate the solution */
int cost(const int& strength) {
// return strength;
return strength + 1;
// return (strength+1)*(strength+1);
// return strength;
/* Calculate min cost of covering tree starting at i, given that current strength (can be negative) = s */
int solve(const int& i, const int& s) {
if (mem[i][s+N] != -1) { // Calculated before
return mem[i][s+N];
} else if (G[i].size() == 0 || (G[i].size() == 1 && vis[G[i][0]][1])) { // A leaf
int& val = mem[i][s+N];
if (s > 0) return (val = 0); // Already covered by one of its parents or neighbours
else if (s == 0) return (val = cost(0)); // Not covered, build a 0 strength tower to cover itself
else return (val = cost(abs(s))); // Not covered, and some of its parents/neighbours at distance abs(s) are also not covered - build a tower of strength abs(s) to cover it and others
vis[i][1] = true;
/* Loops in the below two branches are redundant and can be combined, but I've split them for readability purposes */
int res = INT_MAX;
if (s <= 0) {
// Case #1: Build a tower in current node - loop all available strengths
for (int st = abs(s); st <= W; st++) {
int totChildStrength = cost(st);
for (int a = 0; a < G[i].size(); a++) {
if (vis[G[i][a]][1]) continue;
totChildStrength += solve(G[i][a], st);
res = min(res, totChildStrength);
} else {
// Case #2: The node is already covered, but why not check if we cover it with stronger towers, or use the current coverage to cover its children
for (int st = s-1; st <= W; st++) {
int totChildStrength = (st > (s-1) ? cost(st) : 0); // In case we use the coverage coming from parent/neighbours no cost incurred, otherwise calculate cost
for (int a = 0; a < G[i].size(); a++) {
if (vis[G[i][a]][1]) continue;
totChildStrength += solve(G[i][a], st);
res = min(res, totChildStrength);
// Case #3: Covered by neighbours - This corner case is when a cell covers its parents and also its neighbours
for (int st = -(W); st < s; st++) {
int tot = 0;
for (int a = 0; a < G[i].size(); a++) {
if (vis[G[i][a]][1]) continue;
tot += solve(G[i][a], abs(st)-1);
for (int a = 0; a < G[i].size(); a++) {
if (vis[G[i][a]][1]) continue;
res = min(res, tot-solve(G[i][a], abs(st)-1)+solve(G[i][a], st));
vis[i][1] = false;
return (mem[i][s+N] = res);
main() {
cin >> N;
int u, v;
for (int i = 0; i < (N-1); i++) {
cin >> u >> v;
memset(mem, -1, sizeof mem);
memset(vis, 0, sizeof vis);
memset(f, -1, sizeof f);
memset(h, -1, sizeof h);
W = furthest(0); // Max strength = Width of the tree ;)
cout << solve(0, 0) << endl; // Start ;)
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