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Last active May 26, 2016 21:52
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Icomoon Icon Helper for Middleman (will probably work with Rails too)

Usage for middleman

  • Add helper to lib/helpers and rename icon_helpers.rb
  • Using Icomoon download your icons in SVG format.
  • Add to the extracted zip to lib/assets
  • Into config.rb add:
    • require 'lib/helpers/icon_helpers'
    • helpers IconHelpers
  • You can now use<%= icon_tag(symbol: 'facebook') %> in your template

Usage for rails (untested)

  • Add helper to app/helpers and rename icon_helpers.rb
  • Replace Middleman::Application.root on line 18 with Rails.root
  • Using Icomoon download your icons in SVG format.
  • Add to the extracted zip to lib/assets
  • Into config.rb add:
    • require 'lib/helpers/icon_helpers'
    • helpers IconHelpers
  • You can now use<%= icon_tag(symbol: 'facebook') %> in your template
module IconHelpers
def icon_tag(symbol:, size: 32, prefix: 'icon')
content_tag(:svg, symbol_paths(symbol, prefix).join('\n'),
class: "#{prefix} #{prefix}-#{symbol.to_s.dasherize}",
"aria-hidden" => true,
"xmlns" => "",
"xmlns:xlink" => "",
height: size,
width: size,
role: 'img',
version: '1.1',
viewBox: "0 0 #{size} #{size}")
def symbols"#{Middleman::Application.root}/lib/assets/icomoon/symbol-defs.svg") do |f|
def symbol_paths(symbol, prefix)
symbols.css("##{prefix}-#{symbol} path").map do |path_element|
tag(:path, d: path_element.attribute('d')).to_s.html_safe
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