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Last active December 25, 2023 14:41
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Better `ls` colors

Directories with 777 permissions look pretty ugly when you list files (see first example in picture below). This happens if you do ls in /mnt/c/ in WSL.


Simply changing the background to light gray makes a big difference. While I was fiddling around I discovered that I quite like having directories to be orange.

You can change this by simply adding the following line to your .bashrc/.zshrc/etc. Make sure to put it before the line source $ZSH/, otherwise the autocompletion will use the default colors. source

export LS_COLORS

# Add it before `source $ZSH/`!

Edit: If you use zsh the colors in the autocomplete might still be shitty. This is because they are controlled elsewhere. If you run zstyle, you'll find a list of colors. Maybe I'll update this post on how to change those later.
Edit2: As long as you place it before it sources, it'll work out of the box. source

You can read more about the LS_COLORS variable here:

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