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Xeukxz /
Last active February 4, 2025 20:01
Revert Discord UI

Updated Version:

If you want to download an older version ive heard 205.15 works well, i reccomend ApkMirror

Using a modified app (Android & IOS friendly):

  1. Follow the instructions from
  2. After the client is installed, navigate to Settings > Plugins, then click the +, and finally paste into the input and click Install
  3. Once the experiments plugin is enabled, reload the app then go to Settings > Experiments > Tabs V2 - redesign opt-out/in for all and select Control Bucket.

Ive also heard enmity works well for IOS.

Zomatree /
Last active December 1, 2019 00:24
fucking hell to make
(lambda:[globals().update(set_var=lambda k, v: globals().__setitem__(k, v)),set_var("_import", lambda module: set_var(module, __import__(module))),_import("config"),_import("discord"),_import("random"),_import("asyncio"),_import("youtube_dl"),_import("math"),_import("re"),_import("logging"),_import("sqlite3"),set_var("TOKEN", config.token),set_var("commands", __import__("discord.ext", globals(), locals(), ["commands"]).commands),set_var("regex", r"(-?\d+)x\^2([+-]\d+)x([+-]\d+)"),setattr(youtube_dl.utils, "bug_reports_message", lambda: ''),set_var("ytdl_format_options", {'format': 'bestaudio/best','outtmpl': '%(extractor)s-%(id)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s','restrictfilenames': True,'noplaylist': True,'nocheckcertificate': True,'ignoreerrors': False,'logtostderr': False,'quiet': True,'no_warnings': True,'default_search': 'auto','source_address': ''}),set_var("ffmpeg_options", {'options': '-vn'}),set_var("ytdl", youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ytdl_format_options)),set_var("CustomContext", type("LShiftContext", (commands.C