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Created December 1, 2021 21:54
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NASM string spewer for DOS
; vi:ft=nasm
cpu 8086
org 100h
section .text
xor bx,bx ; attrib
mov cx,1 ; just one thanks
.again: inc bx ; next attrib
and bl,0x7F ; no flashing please
mov si,rulz
mov ah,0Bh ; check for keypress
int 21h ; DOS
test al,al
jnz .return
.loop: lodsb ; load next char
test al,al
jz .again
mov ah,09h ; write char with attrib
int 10h ; BIOS
mov ah,0Eh ; write char and advance
int 10h ; BIOS
jmp .loop
section .data
rulz db 'seg rulz ok ',0
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