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Created May 8, 2024 00:59
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My MSYS2 install script
@echo off
rem elevate -w choco install -y msys2 --params "/NoUpdate /InstallDir:C:\msys64"
cd c:\msys64
if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel%
rem Use windows home directory
usr\bin\sed.exe -i 's/^\(db_home: \)\(cygwin.*\)$/\1windows/' etc\nsswitch.conf
rem Enable windows native symlinks
usr\bin\sed.exe -i 's/^\(rem \)\(set MSYS=winsymlinks:nativestrict\)/\2/' msys2_shell.cmd
rem Create Shortcut
powershell "$s=(New-Object -COM WScript.Shell).CreateShortcut('%userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\MSYS2 Shell.lnk');$s.TargetPath='C:\msys64\msys2_shell.cmd';$s.Arguments='-mingw64 -use-full-path';$s.WorkingDirectory=[Environment]::SystemDirectory;$s.WindowStyle=7;$s.IconLocation='C:\msys64\msys2.ico';$s.Save()"
rem make diffutils
compact /c /a /i /s
attrib +i /s /d
attrib +h .
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