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doing research

Semo Semo

doing research
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Semo / de_admin_level_2.geojson
Last active January 30, 2023 10:08
30km Boundary of Germany as GeoJSON for QGIS
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Semo / Reset_Furby.txt
Created November 7, 2022 15:04
How to reset a Furby
0. Open battery lid with screw-driver
1. Remove batteries
2. Press Reset Button and keep it pressed for a couple of seconds
3. Insert batteries
4. Wake up the Furby
5. Turn it upside down
6. Press tongue and pull tail at the same time
Semo /
Created February 24, 2021 08:38 — forked from bansalankit92/
50 Apache Kafka Interview Questions and Answers for all experience level

(Q.1) What is Apache Kafka?

Apache Kafka is a publish-subscribe open source message broker application. This messaging application was coded in “Scala”. Basically, this project was started by the Apache software. Kafka’s design pattern is mainly based on the transactional logs design. For detailed understanding of Kafka, go through,
Kafka Tutorial.

(Q.2) Enlist the several components in Kafka.

The most important elements of Kafka are:

  • Topic – Kafka Topic is the bunch or a collection of messages.
  • Producer – In Kafka, Producers issue communications as well as publishes messages to a Kafka topic.
  • Consumer – Kafka Consumers subscribes to a topic(s) and also reads and processes messages from the topic(s).
Semo /
Created February 17, 2020 10:35 — forked from braitsch/
OpenALPR for Ubuntu 18.04

OpenALPR for Ubuntu 18.04

This is a slightly modified update to Daniel Kornev's excellent post which goes into more detail about why building from source is necessary on 18.04. His post was missing a few dependencies that I didn't have installed namely cmake, opencv and pkg-config. The following steps should get you a working build of openalpr on a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04.

If you're not working with a fresh install, this might be a good time to clean and update your system before proceeding. (Optional)
$ sudo apt update #fetch list of available updates
$ sudo apt upgrade #install updates – does not remove packages
Semo / camera.geojson
Last active March 15, 2019 12:31
GeoJSON Example
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Semo /
Last active January 31, 2024 07:33
How to install Powerline fonts into CentOS 7

How to install Powerline fonts into CentOS 7

For a Oh-My-Zsh Shell custommized theme, called Spaceship Prompt it's reecommended to install the Powerline Fonts. In a CentOS 7 machine it can be a little more work, than doing it via a package manager.

Clone the latest Font

git clone --depth=1

and install them

Semo /
Last active May 9, 2024 07:36
How to install Zsh version 5.6.2 into CentOS 7

How to install Zsh version 5.6.2 into CentOS 7

Given that you have a clean installation of CentOS 7 which was already updated, by you, then you still have some dependencies to install make and install the external Zsh from the source. You must be root to get the stuff done.

Install GCC Development Tools

yum groupinstall "Development tools"

Check if it's working

Semo / gist:1fd5eb740061edf58d1bbfba20975ee0
Created October 12, 2018 09:06
sed - Replace first occurence of a bind-address pattern in my.cnf file
sed -i "0,/.*bind-address.*/s//bind-address =" my.cnf