Method name | Description | Default value |
Build() |
Builds the options class. | Does not apply here. |
WithAuthentication(string method, byte[] data) |
Allows to use different authentication modes. | null |
WithCleanSession(bool value = true) |
Allows to use the client with MQTT clean session support. | true |
WithClientId(string value) |
Sets the used client id. | Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") |
WithCommunicationTimeout(TimeSpan value) |
Sets the communication timeout. | TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10.0) |
WithCredentials(string username, string password) |
Sets the login credentials. | null , required. |
WithCredentials(string username, byte[] password) |
Sets the login credentials. | null , required. |
WithExtendedAuthenticationExchangeHandler(IMqttExtendedAuthenticationExchangeHandler handler) |
Allows to handle authentication in a custom way. | null |
WithKeepAlivePeriod(TimeSpan value) |
Sets the keep-alive period. | TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15.0) |
WithKeepAliveSendInterval(TimeSpan value) |
Sets the keep-alive send interval. | null |
WithMaximumPacketSize(uint? maximumPacketSize) |
Sets the maximum packet size. | null |
WithNoKeepAlive() |
Tells the client to use no keep-alive. | Does not apply here. |
WithProtocolVersion(MqttProtocolVersion value) |
Sets the MQTT protocol version. | MqttProtocolVersion.V311 |
WithProxy(Action<MqttClientWebSocketProxyOptions> optionsBuilder) |
Sets the proxy. | null |
WithProxy(string address, string username = null, string password = null, string domain = null, bool bypassOnLocal = false, string[] bypassList = null) |
Sets the proxy. | null |
WithTls() |
Tells the client to use SSL / TLS. | Does not apply here. |
WithTls(MqttClientOptionsBuilderTlsParameters parameters) |
Tells the client to use SSL / TLS. | null |
WithTls(Action<MqttClientOptionsBuilderTlsParameters> optionsBuilder) |
Tells the client to use SSL / TLS. | null |
WithTopicAliasMaximum(ushort? topicAliasMaximum) |
Tells the client to allow a maximum number of topic aliases. | null |
WithReceiveMaximum(ushort? receiveMaximum) |
Tells the client to allow a maximum number of received packets. | null |
WithRequestProblemInformation(bool? requestProblemInformation = true) |
Tells the client to show request problem information. | true |
WithRequestResponseInformation(bool? requestResponseInformation = true) |
Tells the client to show request response problem information. | true |
WithSessionExpiryInterval(uint? sessionExpiryInterval) |
Tells the client to expire sessions after a amount of time. | null |
WithTcpServer(string server, int? port = null) |
Tells the client which MQTT broker to connect to (over TCP). | null , required. If no port is set, the default port 1883 is used (or 8883 for SSL). |
WithTcpServer(Action<MqttClientTcpOptions> optionsBuilder) |
Tells the client which MQTT broker to connect to (over TCP). | null , required. If no port is set, the default port 1883 is used (or 8883 for SSL). |
WithWebSocketServer(string uri, MqttClientOptionsBuilderWebSocketParameters parameters = null) |
Tells the client which MQTT broker to connect to (over WebSockets). | null , required. |
WithWebSocketServer(Action<MqttClientWebSocketOptions> optionsBuilder) |
Tells the client which MQTT broker to connect to (over WebSockets). | null , required. |
WithWillMessage(MqttApplicationMessage value) |
Tells the client which last will message will be sent. | null |
WithWillDelayInterval(uint? willDelayInterval) |
Tells the client which last will delay interval will be used. | null |
- Remarks: Either
or both are required, of course.
Method name | Description | Default value |
IMqttClientConnectedHandler ConnectedHandler |
The connected handler to perform actions when the connection is established. | null |
IMqttClientDisconnectedHandler DisconnectedHandler |
The disconnected handler to perform actions when the connection is lost. | null |
bool IsConnected |
A value indicating whether the client is connected or not. | false |
IMqttClientOptions Options |
The client options set to the client. | null |
Task<MqttClientAuthenticateResult> ConnectAsync(IMqttClientOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken) |
A method to connect the broker. | Does not apply here. |
Task<MqttClientPublishResult> PublishAsync(MqttApplicationMessage applicationMessage, CancellationToken cancellationToken) |
Publishes a message to a topic. | Does not apply here. |
Task SendExtendedAuthenticationExchangeDataAsync(MqttExtendedAuthenticationExchangeData data, CancellationToken cancellationToken |
Sends extended authentication data. | Does not apply here. |
Task<MqttClientSubscribeResult> SubscribeAsync(MqttClientSubscribeOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken) |
Subscribes the client to topics. | Does not apply here. |
Task<MqttClientUnsubscribeResult> UnsubscribeAsync(MqttClientUnsubscribeOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken) |
Unsubscribes the client from topics. | Does not apply here. |
Method name | Description | Default value |
Build() |
Builds the options class. | Does not apply here. |
WithAutoReconnectDelay(TimeSpan value) |
Sets the auto-reconnect delay. | TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5.0) |
WithClientOptions(IMqttClientOptions value) |
Tells the managed client to use the configuration available under Client options | null |
WithClientOptions(MqttClientOptionsBuilder builder) |
Tells the managed client to use the configuration available under Client options | null |
WithClientOptions(Action<MqttClientOptionsBuilder> options) |
Tells the managed client to use the configuration available under Client options | null |
WithMaxPendingMessages(int value) |
Tells the client to use the number as maximum amount of pending messages. | int.MaxValue |
WithPendingMessagesOverflowStrategy(MqttPendingMessagesOverflowStrategy value) |
Tells the client which message overflow strategy should be used. | MqttPendingMessagesOverflowStrategy.DropNewMessage |
WithStorage(IManagedMqttClientStorage value) |
Tells the client which storage to use. | null |
Method name | Description | Default value |
IApplicationMessageProcessedHandler ApplicationMessageProcessedHandler |
The application message processed handler to perform actions when an application message is processed. | null |
IApplicationMessageSkippedHandler ApplicationMessageSkippedHandler |
The application message skipped handler to perform actions when an application message is skipped. | null |
IMqttClientConnectedHandler ConnectedHandler |
The connected handler to perform actions when the connection is established. | null |
IConnectingFailedHandler ConnectingFailedHandler |
The connecting failed handler to perform actions when the connection failed to be established. | null |
IMqttClientDisconnectedHandler DisconnectedHandler |
The disconnected handler to perform actions when the connection is lost. | null |
bool IsConnected |
A value indicating whether the client is connected or not. | false |
bool IsStarted |
A value indicating whether the client is started or not. | false |
IManagedMqttClientOptions Options |
The managed client options set to the client. | null |
int PendingApplicationMessagesCount |
A value that shows the amount of pending application messages. | 0 |
ISynchronizingSubscriptionsFailedHandler SynchronizingSubscriptionsFailedHandler |
The synchronizing subscriptions failed handler to perform actions when the synchronization of subscriptions failed. | null |
Task PublishAsync(ManagedMqttApplicationMessage applicationMessages) |
Publishes a message to a topic. | Does not apply here. |
Task StartAsync(IManagedMqttClientOptions options) |
A method to start the client. | Does not apply here. |
Task StopAsync() |
A method to stop the client. | Does not apply here. |
Task SubscribeAsync(IEnumerable<TopicFilter> topicFilters) |
Subscribes the client to topics. | Does not apply here. |
Task UnsubscribeAsync(IEnumerable<string> topics) |
Unsubscribes the client from topics. | Does not apply here. |
Method name | Description | Default value |
Build() |
Builds the options class. | Does not apply here. |
WithApplicationMessageInterceptor(IMqttServerApplicationMessageInterceptor value) | Allows to work with all published messaged from the clients. | null |
WithApplicationMessageInterceptor(Action value) | Allows to work with all published messaged from the clients. | null |
WithClientId(string value) | Sets the client id used for the server. | Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") |
WithConnectionBacklog(int value) | Sets the number of connections to keep. | 10 |
WithConnectionValidator(IMqttServerConnectionValidator value) | Allows to validate connections with a custom handler. | null |
WithConnectionValidator(Action value) | Allows to validate connections with a custom handler. | null |
WithDefaultCommunicationTimeout(TimeSpan value) | Tells the server to use the default communication timeout. | TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15.0) |
WithDefaultEndpoint() | Tells the server to use the default endpoint. | |
WithDefaultEndpointBoundIPAddress(IPAddress value) | Tells the server to use the default endpoint IPv4 address. | IPAddress.Any |
WithDefaultEndpointBoundIPV6Address(IPAddress value)Tells the server to use the default endpoint IPv6 address. | IPAddress.IPv6Any |
WithDefaultEndpointPort(int value) | Tells the server to use the default endpoint port. | 1883 |
WithEncryptedEndpoint() | Tells the server to use the encrypted endpoint. | Does not apply here. |
WithEncryptedEndpointBoundIPAddress(IPAddress value) | Tells the server to use the encrypted endpoint IPv4 address. | IPAddress.Any |
WithEncryptedEndpointBoundIPV6Address(IPAddress value) | Tells the server to use the encrypted endpoint IPv6 address. | IPAddress.IPv6Any |
WithEncryptedEndpointPort(int value) | Tells the server to use the encrypted endpoint port. | 8883 |
WithEncryptionCertificate(byte[] value) | Tells the server to use the certificate for SSL connections. | null |
WithEncryptionSslProtocol(SslProtocols value) | Tells the server to use the SSL protocol level. | SslProtocols.Tls12 |
WithMaxPendingMessagesPerClient(int value) | Tells the server to allow a maximum of pending messages per client. | 250 |
WithPersistentSessions() | Tells the server to persist sessions. | Does not apply here. |
WithStorage(IMqttServerStorage value) | Tells the server to use a storage. | null |
WithSubscriptionInterceptor(IMqttServerSubscriptionInterceptor value) | Allows to work with all subscriptions from the clients. | null |
WithSubscriptionInterceptor(Action value) | Allows to work with all subscriptions from the clients. | null |
WithoutDefaultEndpoint() | Disables the default (non SSL) endpoint. | Does not apply here. |
WithoutEncryptedEndpoint() | Disables the default (SSL) endpoint. | Does not apply here. |
Method name | Description | Default value |
IMqttServerClientConnectedHandler ClientConnectedHandler | The connected handler to perform actions when a client connected. |
null |
IMqttServerClientDisconnectedHandler ClientDisconnectedHandler | The disconnected handler to perform actions when a client lost the connection. |
null |
IMqttServerClientSubscribedTopicHandler ClientSubscribedTopicHandler | The subscribed handler to perform actions when a client subscribed. |
null |
IMqttServerClientUnsubscribedTopicHandler ClientUnsubscribedTopicHandler | The subscribed handler to perform actions when a client unsubscribed. | null |
IMqttServerOptions Options | The server options set to the client. | null |
IMqttServerStartedHandler StartedHandler | The started handler to perform actions when the server started. |
null |
IMqttServerStoppedHandler StoppedHandler | The stopped handler to perform actions when the server stopped. |
null |
Task ClearRetainedApplicationMessagesAsync() | Clears the retained application messages. | Does not apply here. |
Task<IList> GetClientStatusAsync() | Gets the client status. | Does not apply here. |
Task<IList> GetRetainedApplicationMessagesAsync() | Gets tge retained application messages. | Does not apply here. |
Task<IList> GetSessionStatusAsync() | Gets the session status. | Does not apply here. |
Task StartAsync(IMqttServerOptions options) | Starts the server. | Does not apply here. |
Task StopAsync() | Stops the server. | Does not apply here. |
Task SubscribeAsync(string clientId, ICollection topicFilters) | Subscribes the server to topics. | Does not apply here. |
Task UnsubscribeAsync(string clientId, ICollection topicFilters) | Unsubscribes the server from topics | Does not apply here. |