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Created January 11, 2021 22:01
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Animated counting UILabel for iOS in Swift
// Source -
import UIKit
enum CountingMethod {
case easeInOut
case easeIn
case easeOut
case linear
enum AnimationDuration {
case fixed(time: TimeInterval)
case laborious
case plodding
case strolling
case brisk
case noAnimation
var value: TimeInterval {
switch self {
case .fixed(let time):
return time
case .laborious:
return 20.0
case .plodding:
return 15.0
case .strolling:
return 8.0
case .brisk:
return 2.0
case .noAnimation:
return 0.0
enum DecimalPoints {
case zero, one, two, ridiculous
var format: String {
switch self {
case .zero:
return "%.0f"
case .one:
return "%.1f"
case .two:
return "%.2f"
case .ridiculous:
return "%f"
final class CountingLabel: UILabel {
typealias OptionalCallback = (() -> Void)
typealias OptionalFormatBlock = ((Float) -> String)
var completion: OptionalCallback?
var animationDuration: AnimationDuration = .brisk
var decimalPoints: DecimalPoints = .zero
var countingMethod: CountingMethod = .easeInOut
var customFormatBlock: OptionalFormatBlock?
private var currentValue: Float {
if progress >= totalTime { return destinationValue }
return startingValue + (update(t: Float(progress / totalTime)) * (destinationValue - startingValue))
private var rate: Float = 0
private var startingValue: Float = 0
private var destinationValue: Float = 0
private var progress: TimeInterval = 0
private var lastUpdate: TimeInterval = 0
private var totalTime: TimeInterval = 0
private var easingRate: Float = 0
private var timer: CADisplayLink?
func count(from: Float, to: Float, duration: AnimationDuration = .strolling) {
startingValue = from
destinationValue = to
timer = nil
if duration.value == 0.0 {
setTextValue(value: to)
easingRate = 3.0
progress = 0.0
totalTime = duration.value
lastUpdate = Date.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
rate = 3.0
func countFromCurrent(to: Float, duration: AnimationDuration = .strolling) {
count(from: currentValue, to: to, duration: duration)
func countFromZero(to: Float, duration: AnimationDuration = .strolling) {
count(from: 0, to: to, duration: duration)
func countFromZero(to: Int, duration: AnimationDuration = .strolling) {
let value: Float = Float(to)
count(from: 0, to: value, duration: duration)
func stop() {
timer = nil
progress = totalTime
private func addDisplayLink() {
timer = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: #selector(self.updateValue(timer:)))
timer?.add(to: .main, forMode: .default)
timer?.add(to: .main, forMode: .tracking)
private func update(t: Float) -> Float {
var t = t
switch countingMethod {
case .linear:
return t
case .easeIn:
return powf(t, rate)
case .easeInOut:
var sign: Float = 1
if Int(rate) % 2 == 0 { sign = -1 }
t *= 2
return t < 1 ? 0.5 * powf(t, rate) : (sign * 0.5) * (powf(t - 2, rate) + sign * 2)
case .easeOut:
return 1.0 - powf((1.0 - t), rate)
private func updateValue(timer: Timer) {
let now: TimeInterval = Date.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate
progress += now - lastUpdate
lastUpdate = now
if progress >= totalTime {
self.timer = nil
progress = totalTime
setTextValue(value: currentValue)
if progress == totalTime { completion?() }
private func setTextValue(value: Float) {
text = String(format: customFormatBlock?(value) ?? decimalPoints.format, value)
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