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Created November 4, 2021 22:16
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Multicast Delegate - wrapper class to implement one to many delegate with Array of optionals wrapper
import Foundation
public class MulticastDelegate<T> {
// 1
private class Wrapper {
weak var delegate: AnyObject?
init(_ delegate: AnyObject) {
self.delegate = delegate
// 2
private var wrappers: [Wrapper] = []
public var delegates: [T] {
return wrappers
.compactMap{ $0.delegate } as! [T]
// 3
public func add(delegate: T) {
let wrapper = Wrapper(delegate as AnyObject)
// 4
public func remove(delegate: T) {
guard let index = wrappers.firstIndex(where: {
$0.delegate === (delegate as AnyObject)
}) else {
wrappers.remove(at: index)
// 5
public func invokeForEachDelegate(_ handler: (T) -> ()) {
delegates.forEach { handler($0) }
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